Fixing my spectate feature

I made a simple spectate UI, how it works is when the player open the spectate window they have a next button and everytime they press it, it shows them the character of a different player they can spectate. This script is in a local script. The issue is that when a player dies if anyone is spectating them the camera will get stuck where they died and doesn’t respawn when the player respawns, it just stays in the spot they died. I tried to make a variable called “SpecPlr” and when that player dies, the camera switches to the new character spawn. The issue here was that from a local script you can’t get information if a different player dies so the event wasn’t even able to run.

	local Players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
	number = number + 1
	if Players[number] ~= nil then
		camera.CameraSubject = Players[number].Character.Humanoid
		script.Parent.Player.Text = Players[number].Name
		SpecPlr = Players[number]
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my solution would be,
make an event for when a player dies,


local Event --path to event


local event -- path to it
--reset the camera, add this to the local script

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I thought of this but do you think that this would cause too much lag because I am making an obby game with 25 players in one server who will be constantly dying.

Well, the reason i think the camera is locking is because you only connect the function once the button is clicked.

I don’t think it will lag, but I think you Can try and test around and see does it lag , if you want, It should not tho the servers can easily handle a ton of death events

it’s the constant remote events im worried about not the death events.

I don’t know any smarter or more efficient way at the moment , But I Don’t think its a problem. I suggest you use the remote event method unless you find a better way :grinning: