Fjxsidi | 3D Modeler Portfolio

About Me

G’day. I’m nathan I am a 3d modeler and as of now, I would like to introduce you all to my newest portfolio!


You can view my assets here: Showcase: 2 - Roblox

Here are some screenshots of my assets!

Ray%20Gun Scythe


I am available for eight to twelve hours per day You can contact me any time.


Vary depending on the job i’m gonna be hired for
Although prices start at 850R$ & 5$.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at : nathanlee#4634

Thanks for reading!


:star_struck: Amazing models! Might need to hire you for an upcoming food related project, heh.

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Really awesome stuff! I’m digging that scythe. Hope you find some good job offers soon!

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Be sure to shoot me a dm when you need me!

Hey . It won’t let me add you . Could you add me instead please? ( Nameless_1234#2545)

I can’t add you still. I last messaged you 2 months ago about this and still no response

Hello There!
I am looking for a Modeler for a Museum,To Make some models about the past of roblox games, to be small, and real life people or Objects that people used in the past, Could you do that things?