Flamingo Inc. | Trainer Handbook

Welcome to the official handbook for HR’s who want to host trainings at the Flamingo Training Center. This handbook will include portions of information that may address anything you would like to know when it comes to hosting a training for Flamingo. If you proceed to have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask another HR; they will gladly assist you.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ :swan::cherry_blossom: :palm_tree::palm_tree::cherry_blossom::swan: ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Training Guides

IMPORTANT: This will explain how training’s work. Copy and Paste these using the “:m” command when hosting a training. These are only to be used by Executive Assistant+

-Trainees+ may attend
-Senior Sale Associate and above may not attend.

  • Beginning of the Session:

:m slock

:m Welcome to Flamingo’s Training Program! I am your host [HOST]. We will be starting now!

:m When I say you can enter the Training Room, you may stand up and stay behind the purple line. DO NOT cr oss the purple line until asked to. If you cr oss the line without permission, you will be removed from this session.

:m You may now enter the training rooms.

:m You may now stand on the grey lines.

:m I will now present to you the logistics and rules of this training session. Please pay attention and listen; talking, moving, or dancing will have you kicked from the server.

:m Please listen to your trainer at all times during the training. Not doing so will result in removal from the server.

:m Please follow all directions given in our Handbook during this training, and outside of it on Flamingo games and servers.

:m There will be three rooms: Greetings/Troller Management, Theory, and the Clothing Test. At the end of this, you will learn the basics of Flamingo and learn how to be a respectful worker.

:m You MUST have IV ( 4 ) points at the end of the session to pass. V ( 5 ) is the max. You will get a point every time you pass a section of the training.

:m Also, please remember; III or more Grammar Mistakes will get you kicked from the session as well.

:m A reminder for trainers and helpers… if you are a Head of Services+, please use this format to change a trainee’s points: “:change [NAME] points 1” This command will give the trainee a point. If a trainee has failed, do not give them a point.

:m Also another reminder for trainers and helpers… the points do not add. Which means if a Trainee has passed II sections, then say “:Change [NAME] Points 2”

:m We wish you good luck, training will now begin!

:m Follow me to the Greetings/Troller Management Room!

  • Greetings/Troller Management Room:

:m Everyone behind a desk please.

:m We will begin right away with the Greetings/Troller Management Training.

:m This room will be split into two; Greetings and Troller Management. If you pass, you will get one point for each section. The max points you can get in this room is II.

:m First, we will start with Greetings.

:m The point of this, is to show us how well your greeting to customers is, and how well you can answer simple questions.

:m Our helpers will come around and pretend to be a customer. Please greet them and answer their questions to the best of your ability.

:m Begin!

  • Troller Management:

:m Lets move on to Troller Management.

:m Flamingo has many rules and guidelines, yet some guests refuse to follow them for fun. This is called “trolling”.

:m Your job is to deal with trollers in the best way possible.

:m Please pay attention as I speak to you about punishments for different rule violations.

:m First, you must learn how to warn someone. Warn someone using the following template: “Warning Number | Reason”.

:m If someone was trolling about wanting a dog, and it was their II warning; you would say “Warning II | Trolling”.

:m Since Interns - Senior SA DO NOT have admin, after someone reaches III warnings, please call a Head of Services+ to kick them.

:m After they reach III kicks, ask an Assistant Manager+ to ban them.

:m Exploiters get NO WARNINGS, and are pbanned immediately. If you encounter one, please let a MR+ know so they can take action on the player.

:m Our helpers will now come around and start violating rules. This is a simulation, so do not take personally things that the helpers will tell you. Please warn or report the helpers for breaking rules.

:m Once a player reached III warnings, you must report them. You have to get a Head of Services+ to deal with the player. For training purposes, to report, say “-Calls MR/HR” in chat.

:m In a real scenario, please use either the group wall or our communications server as your way to get higher-ranked staff to deal with the situation.

:m Begin!

:m Great job everyone! Please follow me to the Clothing Test.

  • Customer Service:

:m Trainees, please stand on the grey line. Helpers stay behind me.

:m In this room, you will learn how to assist customers and help find what they may be looking for.

:m You will be given a topic, and you must do your best to lead your helper to an outfit that best represents that topic. ( Example: Work-out attire )

:m Our helpers will go around and pick Trainees separately to test. Please be patient until you get chosen.

:m If you pass this test you will be granted I point. Good luck!

:m Begin!

:m Follow me to the last part of your training, Theory!

  • Theory:

:m Welcome to Theory Training!

:m You will be given V ( 5 ) questions. Do your best to answer.

:m You will be graded on; how correctly you answer the questions, your grammar, and how fast you answer.

:m If you pass, you will be granted I point.

:m The last point will be given through Grammar Check after this.

:m Helpers, you are not needed for this.

:m Let’s begin!

Theory Questions:

:m How many Warnings do Trollers get?

:m Who can Host Training’s?

:m How many warnings do exploiters get?

:m Is a Shift Leader a LR, MR, or HR?

:m How many points do you need to pass the training?

End of Theory Questions.

:m I will now go around and give a point to everyone who passed.

Go around and give a point to everyone who passed.

:m Me and my helpers will now go around and grammar check for your final point.

Have you and your helpers use the admin commmand “:chatlogs” to check everything the trainees have said individually. If they have more then 3 grammar mistakes, then they do not get a point for this.

:m Please be patient as we do this.

Put the Trainees who passed the whole training session on the orange line. Have the Trainees who failed the training on the blue line. This makes it easier for you to see who to promote and who to kick.

:m Orange line = Pass | Blue line = Fail

:m Thank you all for coming! Great job to everyone, if you did not pass don’t worry! Come back next time! :slight_smile:


Interview Guides

IMPORTANT: Trainings/Interviews are only to be hosted by an Executive Assistant and above. A Head Of Service may assist in a training/Interview.
*NOTICE: “Slock” stands for Server Lock. You may lock the server with the admin command :Slock

  • Interviews
    Customers who wish to work at flamingo ONLY.
    Protocol: To Interview Customers.
    How to begin the Interviews: Post on the group shout that you will be hosting an Interview Session at the Training Center. Explain that only Trainees looking to be promoted are aloud. Everyone else will be kicked. Also explain that the server will be locked within 20 minutes.
    How it works: 20 minutes after you announce the Interview Session, Slock the server. Make sure everyone is sitting and explain that they must abide by your rules. After this, walk them Into the interview room and interview them one by one. Copy and Paste the Interview questions individually (located on the “Interview Questions” Tab). After they have successfully answered the questions you may make your own decision on wether the trainee passed or not. Let them know and then kick them from the game. If they passed, be sure to promote them to Intern. Go through everyone one by one until no-one is left in the server.
    What you are grading on: Grammar, how fast they respond to your questions, respectfulness.


Interview Questions

These questions are to be copied and pasted individually while interviewing a Trainee.

 [1] Why should we hire you?
  [2] Do you have any experience in clothing groups?
  [3] What would you do to make a new customer feel welcomed?
  [4] How would you handle someone disrupting the store?
  [5] How active are you?
  [6] Have you read through our handbook?
  [7] If an admin is abusing who should you contact?
  [8] How did you hear about Flamingo?


Theory Questions

[1] How many Warnings do Trollers get?

Correct answer is: 3.

  [2] Who can Host Trainings?

Correct answer is: Executive Assistant+

  [3] How many warnings do exploiters get?

Correct answer is: No warnings. They are banned immediately.

  [4] Is a Shift Leader a LR, MR, or HR?

Correct answer is: MR.

  [5] How many points do you need to pass the training? 

Correct answer is: 4.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ :swan::cherry_blossom: :palm_tree::palm_tree::cherry_blossom::swan: ▬▬▬▬▬▬

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