Flashlight tool || Animated, customisable, Plug and play

Sup, this is probably… my 6th public resource? I dunno I forgot.
Anyways, flashlights are a pretty common thing in a lot of games, especially horror. Unfortunately, most of these games on Roblox use one flashlight in particular that, being real, sucks. It’s messy, buggy, and very janky.

If you’re gonna use a free model, use a good one, and that’s what I’m presenting today

Not to sound egotistical or whatever; as that’s the last thing I want to do. All I really wanna do is present an alternative that I think is better than most flashlights in the toolbox. I actually made this a long time ago but never decided to make it public, so today I went we ball and said why not.

“But Vinny!” I hear you ask

“Why should I use this flashlight?”

Well, this flashlight comes with a few handy features, aesthetic choices, and cool sounds, all of which you can adjust to your liking

  • Light flare from the flashlight itself
  • Beam that goes in the same direction as the light
  • Animation for equipping and unequipping (You gotta make these yourselves)
  • Keybind activation (This has to be enabled)
  • A (pretty janky) mobile button using ContextActionService

Pretty cool, right?


Step 1 is to get the model, duh
You can find it here:

Step 2 is to insert it, once you insert the model you will be greeted by a folder, he says hi

Open the folder, you will see 2 models inside:

The first model, dubbed ReplicatedStorage or Starterpack is exactly what it sounds like, drag it into Starterpack and ungroup it. Optionally, if you use the workspace folder in (surprise surprise) the workspace, ungroup it and place the flashlight into ReplicatedStorage

The workspace folder includes 2 parts (technically 3 if you count the table)
One of them has a click detector, and one of them has a proximity prompt

Both of them give you a flashlight, given it is in ReplicatedStorage (or another directory if changed). This is simply for immersion, should you choose to keep it


Obviously, you cannot, unfortunately, share animations or put animations on the marketplace for others to use (at least immediately). I did not include the animations here, as I want to encourage everyone to make one themselves. Now this flashlight is unique in that It supports both R15 AND R6, so depending on the Rig you’re using, you have to change the animations appropriately.
You can find the animations for R6 under the local script for the light

Additionally, if you’re using R15, you’ll need to change the animations of the IDs at lines 36 and 37

local EquipAnim = script:WaitForChild("Equip")
local unequipAnim = script:WaitForChild("Unequip")

local R15Equip = Instance.new("Animation")
local R15Unequip = Instance.new("Animation")

-- Right here:
R15Equip.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://9149585172"
R15Unequip.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://9149573702" 


You shouldn’t have to adjust the code to adjust these, with the exception of sounds if you don’t want the flashlight to have sound at all, but otherwise, you just have to change the ID of the sounds for those. If you wanna get rid of the Beam or the Flare in the light, you can just delete it from the primary part


I don’t really have any major closing statements or final notes to add to the post, all I wanna say is: Thank you for checking my post out, or at least showing some form of interest. I’d love to hear any suggestions on how I can improve this or any feedback and your thoughts on this.

All I ask is that you don’t claim my work as yours. Yes, I’m making it free, but that does not give you the right to claim you made it unless you modify it to such a degree that it basically is yours. If that is the case, please specify that you derived it from my model

Thank you for checking this out, again. Cheers

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Something extra

If you like what I do and want to support me, my commissions are open and I accept USD and Robux, if you wanna see more of my work you can check my portfolio:


Cool flashlight.

I noticed if I get close to a wall the light does not illuminate the wall…

Probably has to do with your lighting technology or some issues with the attachments and stuff. Should be easy to fix, just play around with it a bit

mm ya probably , could be something like that