I’ve “released” FLEET BATTLE! It’s currently on Xbox One and PC and has a whopping total of ONE gamemode! Come try it out!

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a debounce would be nice, that way people can’t kill the server

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Already been fixed

Nooo please don’t do this

Add something to do for players when there’s no one in the game yet D:

There must be something wrong here…


I didn’t want to but I didn’t have time to implement spawning without breaking the round system :frowning: Maybe tonight, but this weekend at the latest.

@CEDECRY: It was broken on Xbox One and I had no way to test. Had to DM someone on Twitter and have them try it out for me. During the week I have access to one at work, and I now have error logging to a Slack channel.

@doneyes: ayyyyyyy

People are too brutal

Xbox users especially. They don’t seem to overlap all that much with the prior ROBLOX community; especially not in tolerance for broken stuff. :stuck_out_tongue: