Flex Features for UIListLayout not avaliable for all users on desktop

The post Flex Features for UIListLayout Client Release explains that Flex Features for UIListLayout has fully released.

  • When I join the development version of a game I’m working on desktop the UI is not using the new flex features. (Note: sometimes I do get the new flex features when I join the game but its rare)

  • When I join the development version of a game I’m working on desktop on an alt the UI is using the new flex features.

  • When I join the development version of a game I’m working on mobile the UI is using the new flex features.

  • Reinstalling Roblox does not change anything.

OS: Windows 10
Client Version: 0.636.1.6360627

Expected behavior

  • When I join the development version of a game I’m working on desktop the UI it should use the new flex features.

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and we’ll follow up when we have an update!

Thanks for the report!

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Hi, thanks for reporting this issue! Just wanted to check if this is still occurring?
Flex layout should be enabled for most experiences (except ones where the developers asked us to turn it off due to bugs).

Could you share a screenshot of the broken UI (flex features disabled)? I just want to confirm this is indeed related to UIListLayout behavior.

From what you are describing, flex only seems to be disabled for your main account. Is this “ImFirstPlace” or a different account?

Also if you have a chance, could you please try joining this place: UIListLayout flex demo 1 - Roblox on your main account, and checking if flex features are enabled?


Hi, it looks like this issue has been fixed I didn’t manage to save a screenshot of when the UI was broken but no changes have been made to the games UI since this bug report and the UI now looks like normal using the flex features.

This was the place I was testing the flex features I am 100% sure this place has flex features enabled since flex features worked on my other account on all devices and my main account on phone CPL7 Development - Roblox

To clear some confusion the flex features was only disabled on the desktop version of roblox on my main account “ImFirstPlace”, on phone (same account) flex features was working and on any device on a different account the flex features was also working.

Here is a screenshot inside the game you requested me to join and it looks like flex features is also working there on my main account

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OK great it sounds like the issue was resolved then!

If you notice flex features being disabled again, please let us know!

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