[FLICKER] Player Guide & Rules

[FLICKER] Player Guide & Rules

Welcome to Flicker!

Flicker is a strategy/role play game created by @croire and @joritochip , founders of Roblox development group JJ Studios. Flicker is not easy right off the bat, so reading this player guide and becoming familiar with the game and rules will help significantly.

Player Rules

  1. Petty comments, rudeness, and disrespect towards any player or staff member is NOT tolerated. You must also be appropriate. Watch your language and keep things as PG as possible.
  2. Purposefully glitching or taking advantage of game bugs for an advantage in the game is not tolerated. Report any glitches to a staff member immediately.
  3. You can not Game Throw. Game Throwing is when you go against your in-game role and against your given team (evil/good) in order to help your friend or the opposite team win. You CAN lie about your role to try and decieve others and win. However, for example, if you are “detective,” you should not lie to help the murderer win.
  4. Impersonating any ROBLOX Staff member, celebrity, or JJ Studio Staff Member in order to gain an advantage in the game or for any other reason is not allowed.
  5. Targetting another player or community is not tolerated. Sexism, racism, and homophobia is a sever behavioral rule violation and will prompt harsh consequences.
  6. Exploiting the game so you have an advantage is not allowed.
  7. Severe exploiting that disrupts or enables an entire server will cause you to be instantaneously banned.
  8. Violating any of ROBLOX’s Term of Service Rules will result in the adequate punishment.

How To Play

At the beginning, you will be assigned a role and a team. The evil team, the good team, or the neutral team. If you are on the evil team, your goal is to help the murderer and other players on your team eliminate all of the good team. If you are on the good team, your goal is to help the detective and survivors eliminate the evil team before it’s too late. If you are on the neutral team, you have a personal goal that does not involve “good” or “evil”.

The evil team arguably has the most powerful roles, however, the good team is stronger in numbers. Some good team roles (such as the psychic) are also very powerful. To win on the EVIL TEAM, it’s suggested you find your teammates and use you skills to kill and vote the good out quickly. It is hard for the evil team in the beginning, but if multiple survive towards the end and you’re working together, the good team has little chance. If you are on the GOOD TEAM, work together to identify who is on the evil team. Many good roles are “investigative” and “protective,” alowing you to gather clues and help keep good players in the game. Especially in the beginning, the players on the good team outweigh those on the evil team. Use this to your advantage and vote together against evil roles, because you often have the majority.


  • [SURVIVOR] Survivor is the most common role type. Each night, the murderer (and sometimes assassin) will choose someone to kill. Your goal is to SURVIVE and avoid getting killed. Throughout the game, the remaining players will have to vote someone to remove from the house. Your goal as survivor is to find out who is on the evil team and VOTE THEM OUT! You will want to avoid being accused of being on the evil team, too. Convince others that you are truly a survivor. The survivor should try to find other members of the good team and eliminate everyone on the evil team in order to win.
  • [DETECTIVE] Each round will have a detective. The detective will be given clues about 2 or 3 players each night. Each night, the murderer (and sometimes assassin) will choose someone to kill. Your goal is to avoid getting killed, collect clues, send notes to other players in an attempt to learn their role, investigate, and do everything you can to find out who is on the evil team. The detective is the leader of the good team and should do everything they can to save as many survivors as possible.
  • [PSYCHIC] Some rounds may have a psychic. If you are psychic, you will get to “read” someone each night. This power is easily one of the most powerful powers in all of flicker. When you read someone, you will learn if they are “evil” or “good.” Now, your goal is to find other members of the good team and alert them that someone is evil and must be stopped! Be careful, though, if the evil team finds out you are a psychic, you will have a large target on your back!
  • [SPY] Some rounds may have a spy. As a spy, you can “bug” someone each time the lights flicker out. This role takes some strategy, but if you’re lucky, you can get some great information. The information you get back will tell you who visited someone that night. For example, if it says “trey was visited by dvir” and trey was murdered, you’ll know it was dvir. You must use your information to help the good team win. Try to vote out the Evil Team.
  • [MEDIC] Some rounds may have a medic. A medic can protect someone each night from murder. The can also protect themselves ONCE. Try to find good players and protect them from the murderer. Your power is ineffective against an assassin. Try to vote out the evil team.
  • [SAVIOR] Some rounds may have a savior. A savior can bring one person back from the dead. Try to find out who died from the good team and revive them so they can help you vote out and eliminate the evil team.
  • [TWINS] Twins are conjoined survivors. If you are a twin, you and another player are linked. What happens to you also happens to the other twin. If twin A is murdered, but twin B is protected by the medic, then they both survive the night. If twin B is voted out, twin A is also voted out. There are numerous things that can happen! However, a perk of being a twin is you and your twin can work together to convince the crowd not to vote one another out. To win, the evil team must be eliminated.
  • [MUFFIN MAN] Muffin man is a cosmetic role! You are a type of survivor. However, you get the option to deliver someone a muffin each night! Muffins are not currently beneficial for anything besides making someone happy.


  • [MURDERER] The murderer is the most powerful role in the game. Each time the lights go out, the murderer strikes. Try to find who else is on the evil team- and don’t kill them! They will help you manipulate voting and convince the voters to vote someone out from the good team.
  • [ASSASSIN] Some rounds may have an assassin. The assassin is the most deadly role, but can only use their power once. The assassin can kill someone once per game, and cannot be stopped by a medic. Try to find who else is on the evil team- and don’t kill them! They will help you manipulate voting and convince the voters to vote someone out from the good team.
  • [DARK PSYCHIC] The dark psychic is one of the most powerful roles you can get. The dark psychic can “read” someone each night and find out if someone is on the good or evil team.
  • [WITCH] The witch is another powerful role that is in nearly half of the rounds. The witch can BLOCK someone’s power each night, preventing them from using it! The witch is ineffective against the murderer. If the witch blocks the assassin, the assassin will get another chance to kill.
  • [SCOUT] The scout is the weakest evil team role. Like the spy, the scout can “bug” someone each night and see who visited them. This information can help determine who is a special good role, especially if you communicate this information with your evil team. In voting, make sure you manipulate the situation so everyone votes a good player OUT and not you or someone on your team!