Fling module script

I want a module script to put in my game, i want it to fling the humanoidrootpart of the specified character model with a vector3 force, i want the force to be instant, and i want it to ragdoll the player for a few seconds, kike how slap battles does it, then the player gets up, (game is r6 btw)

I would recommend you use this free ragdoll module :
Ragdoll module for all character - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox
set up ragdoll then enable it temporarily whiel applying a body velocity at -Rootpart.CFrame.lookVector

i dont know how to make it instant, ive looked it up and it says that setting the P property to a big number of the body velocity should make it faster, but even when i set it to math.huge it didnt do it any faster, any wsay to make bodyvelocity 100% instant?

use :ApplyImpulse(1000) on the hrp (change the number based on what you want)

i want to apply a vector3 tho, can i put that in there?

Lets say for example you wanna fire it at the direction the hitting player is facing do it as such…

HITHRP:ApplyImpulse(HRP.CFrame.LookVector * Vector3.new(0,0,0) --- make this whatever you want.

that module doesnt work, any other suggestions?

oh wait the module does work, but how do i make it when its used not on death

It should be the vector times by the force.

HITHRP:ApplyImpulse(HRP.CFrame.LookVector * 1000) --- make this whatever you want.

i would have marked a solution by now but i want to say :applyimpulse is the same as bodyvelocity, it has a big delay

No matter what if you have trash internet or simply just too much server demand then It’s gonna be delayed. Though, you might be putting it behind some functions. Try putting it at the top of the priority list and see if it goes through faster.

Try this and let me know if it works. (I have no clue how to make a ragdoll)

function Fling(subject)
	local velocity = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
	velocity.Velocity = Vector3.new(500,250,0)
	velocity.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
	velocity.Parent = subject.Character.HumanoidRootPart

