Flinnyd: Advance Multi-Developer, Metaverse Game Developer


Hello! :smile:

I’m Flinnyd, A advanced multi-Developer with many skills to work with you!

I am a metaverse developer, I never thought I would get up that far!
Metaverse game: (AJ STRIKER)
(1) Zombie Task Force [Event!] - Roblox
I am listed as the builder and scripter but only am able to have the builder role due to roblox not allowing multi-roles!

I’m a scripter and builder who has been building and programming on the platform for 6 years and I’m one of the smarter scripters lol. I specialize in many things such as, Cafe scripting, Cafe building, UI’s, Cars, Engines,AI Systems, oriented programming and more! I am very experienced with most to all of the features ROBLOX has on this platform and often find myself messing around with features that make the game better

I also work on performance optimization, and memory optimization, as well as several scripting guides, a lot of which shows up in top of all time. I additionally have several public projects, which I have listed below.

Oh, and of course, I am confident that I can fix most to any game bugs, so naturally I must fix a lot of them.

Examples of some of my work
Most of my work is not publicized because of security reasons and I just don’t want to publish them but I do have a few public projects which showcase some of my work, particularly older projects which I have since grown from. You can ask me for my more advance work if you don’t see any

Here is a hobby project of mine that has been ongoing for a while now, and, its one of the things I am most passionate about working on by far:

Open Source
Some of my work will be open sourced for other people to use.

I am generally always available around 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST. Outside of those times, I usually have around 4 to 6 hours daily dedicated to my own development work.

Programming and building skills

I am skilled in multiple areas in programming and building. I write and build very neat and make readable code, I don’t bunch up the code, and I write comments and document my code before releasing. My programming style is very strong and you would not have to expect things not to break at random times, and you should expect my code to be quick and easy. If you’re not satisfied, I will redo the script or build.

Its like chicken. You can’t eat chicken raw and unfinished you have to season it and cook it then finish it. The same thing with scripting and building. You have to build or script it then finish it.
Reviews (I have many more reviews on my old post but due someone hacking my account I closed the old post)
Png (1)
Username: gogosqee
Review: I’d rate sam’s service an 8/10 I like the build, and how fast the service was. Although I was hoping for something more modern, but overall it is a great option and I’d suggest sam to others.

Finish Build
(Low triangle)

Low poly land:

Low poly cafe 2:

Doing First Testing is exciting for me because you get to plan, and develop things that player will get to see in the final stage! I take my time to plan things so I don’t rush on doing anything unless I was told. I take my pride and skills to make sure players are happy by providing 5 - 6 hours of development (or longer) on a team. I monitor the team, talk with the team, and host public testing from time to time.


Depending on the complexity of the request, I will do the work for free but I like to be paid per asset on a fixed price.

Longer-Term Development
In the case of long term dev work, I would like to be paid by your own % at my time. Not every week but about 2 - 3 months.

My preferred method of contact is via Discord, you can contact me (CocaAnimations#7590) as well, which I may be faster to message back on. I’ll always respond fairly quickly though.

I would really like it if someone would actually look at this and dm me.
If I don’t reply then please wait. I might be practicing my fencing

Other things I like to do
I teach at a camp called ID Tech. It’s a advance tech camp for people who want to learn how to do a lot of things like developer YouTube videos, learn Unreal Engine and Maya 3D, learn how to code in Minecraft, etc. I teach kids how to script in ROBLOX, and on GitHub.
ROBLOX inspired me to start making programs in c#, c+, Ruby, C, curl, node.js, JavaScript, Java, Lua, and Python
Since then, I have been working on a game in Unreal Engine(Fortnite uses Unreal Engine)

Anyway this is the end of my portfolio.

Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to work for you!


Hello! I just added you on discord I’m !gogosqee1000, I’d be interested in getting a UI from you.

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