Flipa: Easy sprite sheet handler

I’ve been on and off making this module for a while now. it’s not completely finished and I’m sure there is bugs hidden within it, but I’m releasing due to the fact that I’m most likely never going to finish this and it would be a waste to not give it out for people who might find it useful. enough boring information though, here’s what the module has to offer.

What is it?

  • Flipa is a module deisgned for the use of sprite sheets, it has many functions and is very easy to use.
  • Flipa has two options, imageLabel and meshes. Meshes require the editableMesh API to be enabled.
  • Flipa is very customizable with support for custom sounds for specified frames in the sprite sheet along with custom functions.


  • newFlip:PlayAllSheets()
  • newFlip:PauseAll()
  • newFlip:ResumeAll()
  • newFlip:StopAll()

  • newFlip:SetFrame(Sheet: number, Row: number, Column: number)
  • newFlip:PlayFramesAThroughB(StartingSheet: number, StartingFrame: number, EndingFrame: number)
  • newFlip:PlaySheetsAThroughB(StartingSheet: number, EndingSheet: number)

  • newFlip:Loop(IsLooped: boolean)
  • newFlip:SwitchProperties(NewProperties: {})

  • newFlip:IsLooped() :: Boolean
  • newFlip:IsPaused() :: Boolean
  • newFlip:GetPlayingFrame() :: number
  • newFlip:GetPlayingSheet() :: number


flipaModule.rbxl - example placeFile (89.0 KB)

More info

  • I don’t think I’m going to be updating this ever again, if you find bugs, don’t expect a fix.
  • Also, this module is free to modify, if you want to use this and turn it into something better feel free to do so, credit isn’t needed but it is appreciated.