Fliping a ViewportFrame horizontaly

I am trying to make a mirror and I need to flip the viewport frame’s image horizontaly, but I can’t find a way to do it. I have tried fliping the image by setting the position to (1,0,0,0) and the size to (-1,0,1,0) but the image just looks the same as when the size isn’t negative.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Create a new camera and manipulate the camera instead of the viewport frame.

Yeah already have the camera scripted so it behaves like it’s a mirror but i need the image on the surface GUI to be flipped for it to work.

If you are using the character viewport model made by Jaden. You can set the cframe to something like this:

 cam.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(1,2,8) 

Just play around with the cframe values.

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don’t ui objects such as frames, viewportframes, buttons etc. have a dedicated rotation value?

rotation is vertical pretty sure. and also scripting camera will NOT produce a flip effect.

I need to flip it not rotate it

If the model is static than you just need to look at the model inside the studio from the angle you want and dupilicate the camera inside the workspace. After that set the current camera of the viewport frame to the duplicate camera.