Flipping animations doesn't work on custom rigs?

For some reason when I try to flip the animation on the custom rig it makes the flipped arm go towards the original arm instead of outwards like its supposed to. The rig works correctly, except from just this feature.

(I am using an updated version of Moon Animator)

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could you provide more insight? It is pretty hard to find a solution if you cannot see the issue.

Does it flip after you go to the next keyframe?

I just used CTRL + R, I didn’t use another keyframe

I am not familiar with ctrl+r. does that redo the current keyframe to what it was before or would the shortcut for that be ctrl+z?

ctrl+r is used to mirror animations in moon animator

So was there no error to begin with or is there still an issue?

from what i understand in this post, the hot key works for all key frames except one arm, it maybe a bug from moon animator, if so OP should report to to the dev of MA

Ah ok thanks for explaining that.

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I’m not familiar with Moon but this could be because the arms aren’t named correctly. Moon might have difficulties switching between left and right if it doesn’t know which one is which. It could also be an issue with the bones’ orientation. Or it could have something to do with the fact that it’s a single animation from a single part so the animation was flipped across the individual arm and not the whole body. A gif or a screen shot would be helpful~

How to even flip animations? I am having trouble doing that to my new walk cycles…