I’ve been trying to fix this for a while now, but I’ve been unable to figure it out. I believe it has to do with sending the position of the projecitle to the server to create the decal, since doing it with mouse.hit.p, fixes the floating decal problem, but only puts decals where the mouse is pointing, which is very, very bad.
--Fired upon the projectile reaching it's destination. The projectile is raycasted.
local position = Missile.Position
game.ReplicatedStorage.UnicornEngine.Events.DecalProcessor.ProcessDecal:FireServer(cf, hit, position, norm,minSize,maxSize, texture, hit,decalType,impactColor,lightColor, isLocal)
I’m wondering if there’s any way to fix this, perhaps combining both into one someway so the decal adheres to a surface correctly.
I’m not a scripter, but maybe make it so the mouse is locked in the center? Sorry if this comment was useless, just something I was thinking while reading, But anyways, hope you find a solution!
I explained that it works fine with mouse.hit.p, rather than Projectile.Position. Problem with mouse.hit.p is it goes directly to where the mouse is pointing. But mouse.hit.p adheres to the surface correctly, so I’m not sure what to do tbh.