So I am trying to make a helicopter system, and I have a center part and then a gun connected via hinge constraints, I am using vectorForce to prevent the helicopter from falling down
Everything is set to massless = true, besides the center (main) part
Without the hinge constraint everything works fine (I even tested it with welds and it also works fine), but once I use hinge constraint then for some reason the helicopter starts spinning is there a fix to this?
You can’t make the root part of any assembly Massless; checking off Massless on this part will have no effect, it will retain mass.
Connecting things with a HingeConstraint means you have two assemblies, therefore 2 assembly root parts that have mass. Connecting a part to your helicopter body with a hinge will put a torque on it unless the root part of the connected assembly happens to be directly below the center of mass of the copter body’s root part, which here it obviously is not.
You either need your second attached assembly to have it’s own gravity-canceling upward force, or you need to use some sort of BodyGyro or AlignOrientation to torque the whole copter to the desired orientation.
I made a mechanical car suspension a while back. When i made the hinges for the wheels, even when the torque was set to 15000, the wheels would just randomly wave side-to-side, a problem for which I have mot found a fix.
I watched a video that y3llow mustang made about creating a helicopter using bodyposition and bodygyro (both of which are deprecated but their constraint counterparts exist). You might be able to find a better solution for your helicopter’s movement there.
Waving side to side could be that the attachments are not oriented correctly. HingeConstraints constrain all but 1 degree of freedom, rotation around the axis. If they are rotating on some other axis besides the intended axle axis, either the attachments are wrong, or the solver is blowing up because something is overconstrained or unstable from an unsolvable constraint or mass ratio problem.