Flocket League [Devlog] (LOOKING FOR FEEDBACK)

Ok I’m back with some feedback. I will probably (not) edit this post with more feedback as time goes on.

The UI blends a little bit too much in the map’s background which makes it a little annoying but that’s just being super picky.

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I am planning to add more than one background in the near future, So I hope this won’t be a major problem

hmmm, I’m not really going for a realistic direction, more of a goofy/cartoony direction, maybe I can add a hat or hammer for duck to indicate he builds stuff or something. the fat bird is kinda “shouting”, so I could probably make it more clear

Scavenger is certainly a intresting concept, if I add him the breadcrumbs will have to be server sided, since if he appears to get a boost randomly, it will probably be confusing for other players
dove is intresting, I dont know about placable totems, since the game revolves around moving, maybe a boost after they pass OR have a circle around the dove

Im trying to make a new offsensive class, but idrk any ability ideas that seems offensive so lmk if you come up with any

there will def be more packs and stickers related to the actual game, since I am legit using square emojis meant for discord servers :skull:. It also doesn’t fully utilize the rectangle space. So maybe after I learn how to draw or something

I mean if you (or anyone else) knows a thing or two on physics, since the game’s physics is pretty inconsistant at times

Offensive idea:
Woodpecker: does a charge and pecks its beak which hurts (stuns/slows for like .5 seconds) birds it runs into
Snapper: does a charge that steals the ball of the person it runs into (idk if that’s a normal feature or not tho)
Pelican: the pelican stores the ball in its beak so the ball is only slightly highlighted/outlined thus making it harder to see it has to be charged into to knock the ball out
Flamingo: the bird’s long neck automatically looks and inches toward the ball (so like the head is always trying to reach the ball via a LineForce with a long neck, but doesn’t pull the bird)
Penguin: it has no charge/dash, but when flying it overtime increases in speed to be really fast, as if it were on ice.
Ostrich/Goose/Something like that: Has a long body/neck so it can be good for defense.

Oh and btw, I think dunking should probably be modified a little bit, because if the game gets more players I could easily see getting the ball and dashing to the goal easier than shooting the ball.

Found a bug: If you use the normal bird and fly toward the ball then start dashing (right click) and get the ball your beak gets dislocated
Another bug: if you are chatting the keys still do stuff (so if I type “m” in chat then it sends me to the menu)

Also, I don’t really know physics very well, but it’s inconsistent in what ways?



nevermind they left in ten seconds…

ok im back from vacation
quest officially added and bug free(hopefully)
4 new goal effects
solstice, wormhole, rage and sirius

daily mystery crates now cost 250 max
daily mystery crates now have daily stickers in them instead of the six before
minor UI improvements
duck’s mine is now green if place by a player on your team
sound improvements and additions to fat bird’s scream, duck mine explosion and a ticking sound for the round over screen
bird now leaves behind a cloud of cartoony dust/fog after using ability, I intend to add more effects to all the characters to make the game feel more alive
award popups now pops up when buying a daily sticker or claiming a reward for daily quests
UI stroke now scales correctly on all devices

these fixed

thats all, leave feedback please
“this game will get players one day I swear”


minor patches today
QOL changes
crate now has a opening animation:

sorry no sounds for the opening part for now since I can’t find a good sound

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I swear I checked this topic for replies a couple days ago and didn’t see anything…

Anyway, here are some ideas:
Voting- players can vote on the map and/or gamemode.
Lobby:- it could include voting pads instead of ui for voting and a practice area.
Four teams- a gamemode with…

Wait for it
Wait for it…

Four teams competing!!1!

Team names:- Teams have names and possibly logos to add character to the teams. Item Asylum does this well.

hmm very intresting, voting for maps and modifiers may be added
a lobby I am not sure about, since the current menu allows the player to (sorta) view the ongoing match, instead of feeling distant on a lone island elsewhere
practice area might just be private servers, I do plan on adding private server commands soon.
four teams gamemode would be intresting, but it would be way too chaotic for my liking, 4v4 is already pushing the edge for me. It would also be a nightmare to design maps for it, since gravity limits a lot of fair map design choices
team names im not sure about, do you mean like custom names for each team or just like red vs blue?

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It would only be used before rounds for voting. Not during the round.

Red and blue team with a different word slapped on it. There’s no sports team named “Brown” but there’s probably one named “[location] Brown Bears” or something. This idea might not fit though and I’m not saying they would I’m just putting potential things that might help you out there.

I think it would feel very extra and unneeded, since the end screen only lasts for about 10 seconds

hmm yeah maybe, but I don’t see a good place to use it. Red and blue will do for now

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just finished the UI, doing the code tommorow, luckily milestones are way easier to do than daily quests. Still work tho :face_with_spiral_eyes:

if you’re wondering why it looks different it is because some milestones will give exclusive goal effects or stickers
might change the daily quests to this too (or not)

Congratulations, it looks original and very fun.


progress update

fully function and customizable, the update won’t be out today cause I gotta bug check and add a few more milestones

enough scripting for me today, ima make some more exclusive auras and stickers for milestones (sorry)

oops forgot to change the “refresh in” thing, it will display this instead

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im sad to say that the camera no longer work

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works fine for me, what camera was it? can you elaborate a little?

new update
UI changes (I did so much that I can’t list each one of them)
mystery crates now have better chances
the three crates also have increased chances

5 bug fixes
milestones are now officially in the game

(sorry only one for now, I am having a hard time coming up with ideas for rewards, if you got any lmk)

yeah thats about it, sorry for not posting in a while. I had a vacation


fixed this problem. sorry for the inconveince