Floppy starter character

Hi… I wanted to know if it is possible to create a startercharacter like gang beasts. where it keeps its balance. Heres what I want more simpler : I generally just want a character thats mostly floppy but can still walk and jump.

I haven’t done anything yet I just wanted to know if its possible.

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You could replace most of the motor6d joints with rope constraints

Well, it is most definitely possible. You could use Roblox’s constraints system to create some sort of wobbly character with its own controls, but it probably isn’t entirely as simple as just throwing some constraints on a character. I know that Gang Beasts uses limp ragdolls combination with some physical constraints. So maybe you could use that as a jumping off point.

Ok i tried that but when i add it as startercharacter it is a ragdoll but im not part of the body. i dont really know im not good at this.

I don’t have much information on this topic but does your StarterCharacter still able to move? Because to my knowledge StarterCharacters uses the HumanoidRootPart too mainly move and jump. If your trying to keep the character’s feet on the ground than you could use some scripting involved but im not too experienced in scripting.

it can. I just have some problems. when i do it the arms and legs go through the torso. I tried adding parts inside but i just ending up glitching the character. and the second one. I dont know how to make it like keep its feet on the ground and stuff. just like walking.

Looks like you need some scripting help on this one so hopefully somebody here is knowledge able on scripting.

You could also use ball socket constraint, it would be kind of fun to experiment with that. Just get a list of all the motor6D objects in a character. Loop through the motor6d list, create attachments, create ball socket contraints, and assign the attachments to the attachment properties of the ball socket. Parent the ball socket constraint to your motor 6d parent. And you should be pretty much done.


Yes, definitely possible. if you want it to be able to walk and jump just do a ball constraint on the torso and make the arms and head attachments connected by whatever constraint you wish

if i did that how would i stop the arms from going through the torso

It’s been done before.

Pretty certain this uses inverse kinematics and constraints.


If you haven’t already, try to turn on cancollide for the arms.

ive tried. i dunno why but the arms stay in place