These are the official documents and guidelines of Floralité. All of them are subject to change without notice. If you have any concerns or questions not listed in any of the documents, please message a Board of Director or above and we will make sure and add it. These documents were made by the current Overseers and Heads of those departments.
General Rules
These are the official rules of Floralité and are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns that are not established in this document please message a Board of Directors or above and we will try to add it. If you do not follow these specific rules, you will receive punishments and consequences.
- You are to respect everyone.
- No trolling or exploiting.
- Do not try to loophole within any of the rules.
- Do not ask to buy or be free ranked, you will be blacklisted from every becoming staff.
- No NSFW! You are to remain appropriate for everyone.
- Do not try to bypass the ROBLOX filter.
- You are to follow ROBLOX’s Code of Conduct, as well as ours.
1.2 STAFF RULES (Trainee+)
- You are to use grammar at all times in any of our group games. You are excused from using grammar in the Discord server.
- Don’t cheat in any of the applications or sessions.
- Follow all of the General Rules.
- You are allowed to roam around the bakery without a uniform, but when behind the counter, one will automatically be put on and you will need to keep it on.
- Do not try to boss around other ranks whether you are a higher rank or not.
- No loopholes.
- You must use grammar at our ally’s places.
- It is mandatory to follow all the General Rules and Staff Rules.
- You are not allowed to work behind the counter unless there are a lack of LR Staff.
- You are required to remain in our Discord server(s) and Trello(s).
- Do not leak any of our documents or other things that are only for MR+. You will be immediately fired and blacklisted.
- Do not admin abuse. Refer to below for our banned and allowed commands.
- You are expected to follow the rules listed in the Trellos for promotions, demotions, suspensions, etc.
- Do not free-rank or allow people to buy ranks.
- No loopholes.
- Follow all rules listed above.
- No loopholes.
- When hosting a session, you are required to use the guide.
Allowed (Some only acceptable in trainings.) Not Allowed
:pm :pban :gear :whitelist
:m :kick :heal :ws
:countdown :shutdown :fly :hat
:h :sit :time :team
:ff :slock :god :clean
:name :cmds :jumppower
:logs :unban :speed
:chatlogs :info :char
:respawn :view :crash
:refresh :rv :play
:bring :music
Please know that you are not allowed to use any of the other commands not listed under the acceptable list. You are also only allowed to use some of the commands under the acceptable list at sessions, which you already know which ones those are.
Trollers | Trollers will be asked to stop once, and then if they continue they will be warned. If they continue after their first warning and reach a 2nd, you must ask a Supervisor+ to kick them. Once someone has been kicked 3 times, they will be banned permanently.
Exploiters | If you catch someone exploiting, you must take a screenshot and send it to a General Manager+ on Discord and they will ban them. Exploiters receive no warnings.
Raids | You will treat them like trollers unless they begin exploiting. If there is more than 3, you will immediately ban all of them that you know are a part in the raid.
All of the other information needed for sessions, ranking, etc. are listed in the Trello Boards or other documents. Please don’t hesitate to contact someone within the department you are concerned about if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Ranking Guide
These are the official descriptions and roles of each rank. This document is subject to change without notice. Please contact a Chief Staff Officer, Head of Staff Management, or Overseer of Staff Management if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.
Customer | The lowest ranking member of the group. They can attend an interview session to apply for Trainee or they can continue to come to the bakery.
Notable Customer | Fired or retired Supervisor+ or someone who has donated 50+ robux. Does not happen when you buy a gamepass.
Allied Representative | Someone in the Communications or Public Relations department who is a representative of a group we are allied with.
Trainee | A member who has passed an interview session and is awaiting to be trained so they can work behind the counter.
Junior Cashier | A staff member who has attended at least one training session.
Cashier | A staff member who has attended at least two training sessions.
Senior Cashier | A staff member who has attended at least three training sessions. You can rank up by applying when Intern applications open in our Discord.
Intern | A trial MR who goes through a trial period before fully being ranked to Supervisor. Achieved when Intern applications open in our Discord. They do not receive Moderator.
Supervisor | The first rank in the Management Team. They can host sessions, attend sessions, and more. They are the first rank to receive Moderator in-game.
Senior Management | One step up from Supervisor and one step closer to a High Rank. They can do all the same things as a Supervisor.
General Manager | The last MR rank. They are assigned departments and are assistants to the Officers. They are not yet on Administration but will soon achieve it. This rank and the Officers receive Administrator in-game. Whatever department you are assigned in this rank is the next rank you can achieve. Ex) You are assigned the Operations department, so you’d be promoted to Chief Operations Officer. This rank and above can receive Administrator in-game.
Chief Relations Officer | Assistant to Head of Public Relations
Chief Operations Officer | Assistant to Head of Operations
Chief Staff Officer | Assistant to Head of Staff Management
Board of Directors | The first SR rank. These are the ranks that are Head of (Department) and receive Owner Admin.
Director | The overall director of the group. Does not get assigned to a specific department, but are in charge of the Board of Directors, Management, and Administration mainly.
Vice President | Co-Owners of the group. Receives Creator Admin.
President | Owner of the group but overall the same as Vice President. Receives Creator Admin.
Customer | Unlimited
Notable Customer | Unlimited
Allied Representative | 3 Per Group, Unlimited as a whole
Trainee | Unlimited
Junior Cashier | Unlimited
Cashier | Unlimited
Senior Cashier | Unlimited
Intern | However many we accept during the current application
Supervisor | 10
Senior Management | 10
General Manager | 8
Chief Relations Officer | 1
Chief Operations Officer | 1
Chief Staff Officer | 1
Board of Directors | 3
Director | 1
Vice President | 3 (Any others are developers.)
President | 1
Alliance Guidelines
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments feel free to contact a Chief Relations Officer, Head of Public Relations, or Overseer of Public Relations via discord. All policies created in this document are subject to change without notice. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in disciplinary actions or termination.
In order to achieve publicity and gain information on how to run our operations better, we must choose the right type of groups to ally. Our group should only ally with either cafe or restaurant related groups. We wouldn’t want to ally with a military or sword clan group now would we?
Group size is important, larger the group the better. Why? Because they’re doing something right that we can capitalize on. Look at how many people are in high ranking positions? Is there too many HR’s and not enough LR’s? If so that’s a sign of a bad business practice. Too many HR’s often leads to drama which kills a group in its entirety. Are there more customers than there are staff? This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does pose a question. Who are they hiring? What is their selection process for employee’s? What kind of training do they recieve, etc. Always make sure to check if their customers are NOT BOTS. Botted groups are bad business.
When looking at the group ask yourself these questions. Does it have a professional looking business name? Does the description look professional? Do the ranks look professional? How many ranks do they have? Does their logo look professional, etc.
How’s the management of the group, does it seem like a group that’s well managed? Is management kicking/banning random people because they feel like it. Are they promoting only friends and no one who may actually qualify for the position. Are they constanting muting people. Do they perform in a mature manner? If they’re not, then it’s not the right group to ally then.
All allies must fall under all of these mandated standards in order to properly strive to success.
Must be a Cafe or Restaurant.
Must not have bots as members and must have a minimum of 20 members.
Must have a good representation (Good standing with the community).
Must have professional management and staff.
Must maintain a level of activity.
Must have a discord server.
If the group has failed to abide by the following alliance requirements, they’re subject to consequences and will be given termination of alliance.
Must have 1-3 representative(s) in the Floralité group and Discord.
Must agree not to troll/exploit our group.
Must follow the ROBLOX terms of service.
Must be professional/mature on Floralité property.
Must follow all Floralité rules/regulations.
Must be able to announce our events and information in your Discord server.
In order to continue the growth of the group we must ally with other groups in order to gain brand recognition. By allying with other groups, this gives us an advantage to meet with other business executives and gather information on how to better the operations of our cafe establishment. These guidelines will help our business understand the type of groups to ally with in order to gain publicity and information.