Florida County - Appeals Guide

Florida County - Appeals Guide

:memo: This guide explains how to appeal your Permanent Ban, Timed Ban or communications server ban. We do not have an appeals format, so this is a loose guide to appealing and you may personalize your appeals in any way you think would benefit you.

:warning: NOTE: Carefully read and consider the below points when writing your appeal.

  • When appealing, please inform us clearly of your relevant username (communications or Roblox) and which ban you’re appealing.
  • Your appeal must be sent in a ticket through our communications server or through a moderators DMs.(Moderator or above).
  • Do not annoy our Moderators to read your appeal, you will receive a response when they’re available.

:warning: What to include in your appeal:

  • The reason why you were banned.
  • Why we should unban you.
  • How you will change your ways if we unban you.

:closed_book: There are many reasons why your appeal could have been declined, including but not limited to:

  • Not properly addressing why you were banned.
  • Basing your entire appeal on blaming others.
  • Being bothersome/immature while appealing to our moderators.