Flux - a Utility-First Roblox UI Library [v1.1.0-alpha]

Flux current version v1.1.0-alpha.

New Features:

  • added the animate class
  • added new 2 animations animate-spin and animate-ping they are also compatible with states e.g hover:animate-spin
  • now the position and border, border color classes are actually working
  • added poy, pox classes for positioning the X and the Y values

features Showcase

spin animation

ping animation

Original Post

What is Flux?

Flux is a utility-first library for Roblox UI design that simplifies building user interfaces by providing a set of predefined, reusable classes. It enables developers to quickly style and customize UI elements in Roblox with minimal code.

Github: Flux - Github
Guide: Guide - Flux
Releases: Download the .rbxm or the zip file here

Note: Flux is currently in a prototype-release state, meaning this version is still in development and will change before the beta release.

Why Use Flux?

Flux provides a simpler approach to UI design in Roblox. By concentrating on utility-first principles, developers may apply style immediately with short class names, avoiding the need for manual property tweaks and resulting in a clean, manageable codebase.

Example Code

-- simple app example

local flux = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.flux.core.main)
local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui", game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)

local newElement = Instance.new("TextLabel", ScreenGui)
newElement.Text = "Hello, Flux!"

flux.applyStyles(newElement, "bg-gray-50 hover:bg-[30,30,30]-transition hover:text-[255,255,255]-transition sx-[30%] sy-[30%] align-center text-2xl font-arial font-bold round-md")


You can install Flux using one of the following methods;

Method 1: Inserting Flux Directly into Your Place

  1. Download the latest .rbxm release from GitHub.
  2. Locate the .rbxm and open it

Method 2: Syncing via VS code

  1. Download the latest source code release from GitHub.
  2. Extract the Files into your project’s source directory.


Full documentation for Flux can be found here. The API and examples will be updated as development progresses.


Flux is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome! If you’d like to help improve the library by adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving documentation, check out the contribution guide.

if you want to support me and my work: https://ko-fi.com/tarekmahmouduix


by applying and voting in here, you are helping me to make flux a better library.

What do you think about Flux

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  • Terrible

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How easy is it to learn Flux?

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Are you satisfied with the current features Flux offers?

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pretty sure the normal ui scripting is much more simplier than… this.


i know that it’s syntax might seem a bit hard, but once you get to know it you’ll absolutely love it.


Thank you gpt


this reminds me of tailwind css actually


cool but can you use screenshots so I know how some components look like.


Yes, i used it to improve the context of the message, i believe that using such tools to help you do basic tasks quicker and easier is fine as long as you do not abuse it.

yep, you’re totally right tailwindcss inspired me to make flux.

i love tailwind

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Yes, some pics would be great, and even better would be a .rbxl with lots of working examples.


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Thank you, You’re Right, Adding pictures and examples would be alot better.

note: i Didn’t add Images and Pictures since this Version is just a Prototype, meaning allot of features is missing, being said, here is what the Example application i’ve wrote in the the devforum

 -- simple app example

local flux = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.flux.core.main)
local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui", game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui)

local newElement = Instance.new("TextLabel", ScreenGui)
newElement.Text = "Hello, Flux!"

flux.applyStyles(newElement, "bg-gray-50 hover:bg-[30,30,30]-transition hover:text-[255,255,255]-transition sx-[30%] sy-[30%] align-center text-2xl font-arial font-bold round-md")

classes: bg-gray-50 is a predefined background color, hover:bg-[30,30,30]-transition is a dynamic class adding a gray-black background while also using the special keyword -transition to smoothness and transition to the hover state, hover:text-[255,255,255]-transition is a dynamic class applies a white text color and also using the special keyword -transition, sx-[30%] is a dynamic class that sets the X axis of the UI Size to 30% which is equivalent of 0.3, sy-[30%] is a dynamic class that sets the Y axis of the UI Size to 30% which is the equivalent of 0.3, align-center is a predefined class that sets the the UI to the center using a combination of Anchor Point and Position, text-2xl sets the text-font size to 24, font-arial using font arial, font-bold using the font bold weight, round-md sets the UI Corener of the UI to (0, 10).

there is a hover effect with transition that turns text into white and background into black.


the new update is currently not out, however, im working on releasing it.

Ik thats it’s really hard, but it would be cool if it has its own coding language

Isnt this just roact?? Cool though if it is designed to be an alternative


Cool, but unpractical, just use Luau or TS or some sort. This is just utility classes, just like tailwind. From what I can tell, it already has quite a bit of logic going on

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no. flux is not a roact alternative, roact is a declarative framework that focuses on making guis and track their states. but flux is about styling guis with ease.

cool project :))

was actually thinking about making something similar to this recently for a react-like framework i’ve been working on. prefer using tailwind 10x more vs default styling.

would be cool to see flex/grid support for this type of thing

1 Like

thank you, Nov, for your feedback (:

Flexbox and Grid layouts are planned for the next update [v1.2.0-alpha].


Hi there, everybody!

It’s been an incredible trip for me to work on flux for some time now. I truly appreciate all of your support, and my goal was to design something that would help the community make the gui-making process much easier.

as you know maintaining an ambitious open-source project like this can be challenging, i have been facing some personal motivational blocks, and since flux doesn’t generate any income, it’s been tough to find the time and energy to keep pushing forward especially that this is my first year in high school.

if you’ve found flux helpful or valuable, i’d appreciate any support you can offer, whether it’s donating, sharing the framework with others, or contributing directly to the project, every little bit counts. That said, Flux will remain open-source and will continue to receive updates, with or without donations.

donation through ko fi: https://ko-fi.com/tarekmahmouduix
donation through paypal: PayPal.Me
github: GitHub - tarekmahmouduix/Flux: Flux is a utility-first framework for Roblox

I fail to understand the usage of this supposed framework.

From what I can see so far, it simply applies properties to an instance from a custom markup language, adding that it has one… or two animations to it somehow, having no way to make them ourselves.

I’m all in for a UI library that uses a custom markup language, given that it has the same functionality as popular libs such as React or VideUI. Otherwise, there’s no point using this.

well you’re right flux only supports a limited list of classes in the meantime, but there are some exciting features i planned on releasing to expand it’s capabilites. regarding the animations they were only included for testing purposes and will be removed in the next update. The next update will allow you to add your own classes, animations, and more.