Fluxus Injection Detection for Android

So the genius developers behind Fluxus thought it was a good idea to change the memory address from 64 bit to 32 bit hoping nobody would notice, well to bad.

This has to be one of the simplest injection detections out there, I can’t believe it even works in the first place.

while task.wait(0.5) do
	local BufferAddress = tostring(buffer.create(123))

	if string.find(BufferAddress, '0x000000') then

Not to mention, you can find many more detections by just messing around in studio for an hour or so. Their “internal UI” is handled in lua so if you get their environment you can make changes to their UI (it’s very much possible to get their environment)


Another day, another Exploit Detection


How can an exploit change the roblox player from 64 bit to 32 bit…?

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Since its a mobile executor it likely downgrades Roblox to an older version which was still 32 bit.


nah bro these devs are so bad we can even detect their cheats via pure luau.


I don’t know what trigger powers I have but the second I click on this topic, you just replied

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trust me bro I am not stalking you (that’s weird)

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Lol, I think it is very clear you are switching accounts.

I am not switching accounts I promise


I do not speak spanish, his starting place says “Lugar de EvilVSCPlays”

but my starting place says “oihishere2010’s place”

You can tell that he is from mexico [he also admitted in a different account that he’s a mexican]


So somebody randomly decided to become your Alter-Ego?

That is honestly pretty funny.


Another Day, Another win for the devs.

Is this Fluxus only or can it detect normal players or other cheats?

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It can detect all players who downgraded to 32 bit. Afaik every main OS (even macOS) is 64-bit only.

Fluxus doesn’t really matter, it’s just one of those exploits who downgrade the client, otherwise they would have to write code themselves (which exploit devs despise)

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So the Microsoft Store app and most mobile players?

The Microsoft Store app (called the UWP app) was upgraded to 64 bit some time ago:


But mobile still appears to be 32 bit. There was a part of RDC revealing Hyperion was being ported over to Android however, besides, it’s a simple check for UserInputService.TouchEnabled or not GuiService.IsWindows.

EDIT: Uhhh… It’s just a simple additional check? This detection was posted here before, and the solution to stop mobile players getting kicked was the same: just don’t detect mobile players with the same way you can know if the device running the game is a mobile device.

Checked abd my Samsung Galaxy Note 10 is 32-bit. I’ll go test the code to see if it detects me, and if it isn’t then that’s good.