What do you want to achieve? I’m trying to make a fly command like Adonis or Kohls.
What is the issue? I used an BoolValue cause I know you can’t make it in a Server Script so I made it if the BoolValue is true then the flying script will activate and a RemoteEvent to know when the flying has stopped.
commands.fly = function(sender, args)
local addOns = game.StarterGui.AddonCommands
local FlyingStopRe = addOns.FlyingStopped
local Flying = addOns.Flying
Flying.Value = true
Flying.Value = false
- What solutions have you tried so far? I looked everywhere and I couldn’t find any topics similiar to this, hope you guys could help?
If you want more details just lmk I can respond.
I’m not asking for the script, just asking what could I do or what I did wrong.