FlyHaven Developer Applications
- Have you ever wanted to develop for a roblox airline?
- Do you want to expand your portfolio and seek new encounters?
- Are you looking to gain experience or better your reputation?
If yes, FlyHaven is the perfect airline for you! We are seeking all kinds of developers from CSG modelers to interior developers.
We are a very welcoming and close knit community! Working with the development team is a great environment to share feedback with each other, spread ideas, and better your skills. Here at FlyHaven, we are a family and we will make sure to give everyone a warm welcome.
- Reasonable pay
- In-flight upgrades
- Increased reputation (3400 group members, 1100 discord members)
- Constant jobs if you are looking for something to do or make robux
Contact: Viper#5946 (Discord) or on the dev forum