I’ve checked out the other threads regarding similar issues like the FMOD 36 error. However all the fixes listed in those threads haven’t been able to help me.
13:10:14.763 - FMOD 30: An invalid object handle was used. during createStream
13:10:14.764 - Sound failed to load Workspace.ScriptName.Sound: rbxassetid://191084155 because FMOD 30: An invalid object handle was used. during createStream
My music sound randomly doesn’t load when testing or playing, other times it does load but rarely. Local sounds that are in parts work fine.
Fixes I’ve tried and have failed:
- Preloading the sound and creating a new sound.
- Restarting computer to restart audio drivers.
- Trying different sound IDs in case sound has been terminated.
- Checking ROBLOX client volume levels.
- Checking in-game volume levels, the menu sounds don’t work either.
- Checking sound object volume and whether it’s playing (It does play)
Important notes:
- Sometimes the error doesn’t show but sound still doesn’t work.
- I was in a game and I didn’t have the sound but my friend did. Though when testing with another friend neither of us had the sound.
- Works frequently in test player but not when testing with a server.
- Works in other games. Just not in the one I want it to.
- Only started today. I didn’t change anything that would affect this to my knowledge.