FNAF: AKATD 3 Gameplay Video + Bad Ending

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See new content here: An overview of FNAF: AKATD 3
There is still a lot more

A little changelog:

  • Map is completely built
  • AI completely works
  • Changed flashlight for Lighter
  • Foostep sounds shouldn’t break anymore, if they do, it’s a roblox loading issue FIXED
  • Fixed AI running into walls 100%
  • Added a phone call

Just watched the whole video, and this is my response to it.

The game visually, looks really good, but could do with some changes.

The voice acting is bland, to say the least. It lacks emotion.
Plus, the dialogue itself isn’t written all too well.

I generally dislike this line in specific.
“You are trapped in here within the walls of your past, faced against the terrors of what made you who you are.”

I feel like “The terrors of what made you who you are.” is a bit confusing as Micheal is the good guy, and that is something I feel like would be said to a villain.

Also the camera for the phone call, it could do with a little noise generated shake applied to it.

Breaking pipes with a hammer of all things is a little weird to me, it would make more sense to be an axe in my opinion.

I dislike how the entire viewmodel moves with the pipe hitting animation.

I dislike that the player getting kicked when the game ends, and I don’t think anyone who might want to replay the game would like it either.

The camera cut to springtrap burning in a fire looks bad, as springtrap is the only thing that is on fire.

But other than that, the game generally looks okay.

The gameplay would probably just consist of “stay away from the robot footstep sounds” and break all the pipes.

The thing that makes forgotten memories fun is that the animatronics follow a set path, until they start walking to your office.
But all the animatronics serve a purpose in stopping the player from reaching an important goal, such as the oxygen reset switch or the power generators.

Your game just seems to have springtrap wander around the building so his movement, sure, is unpredictable, but then the gameplay strategy just becomes to stay away from his footstep sounds as he is the only enemy.

Putting the phantoms into the game would be a nice addition, and fix the previous problem, and they could alert springtrap to your exact position when they jumpscare you, and you could then also add lockers or something to hide in to avoid springtrap.
As for how to make them spawn in, I’m not sure.


That’s literally my favorite line
It makes a lot of sense once you discover the true lore of the game

Who said it was michael afton? The one we know in FNAF?

Keep in mind that I’m the only person who works on this game and it’s really difficult to get stuff done especially with Roblox’s very limited engine

And, The person who voice acted it was their first time ever doing so, I really wanted to offer them a chance at something, and so I did.

That’s not the only ending though, yes it’s a bit cheap but I’m working on remaking it.

I’m actually planning to do something really special with the Phantoms idea.

This was just a small game that I’ve made to really see what would happen, it’s made in less than 1 month and I’m still working on it. I think for now it’s fine and I will focus on FNAF: AKATD 1.

I will probably change everything except for the hammer to the axe.

Btw, forgotten memories animatronics are just as bad, they come to your door then they never leave you alone, you can barely even run away from them, or you can’t at all. I’ve wanted a good chase scene with this game, although roblox ai is REALLY limited. I’ve done my best

I do wish that in the future something brings my motivation back to continue with updates, but for now I can say the game kinda flopped. It’s good enough for a 1 person project ig.

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not to forget forgotten memories has a WHOLE dev team behind it
here it’s just me.

Get in Contact:


the ending has been updated and ive added a camera shake.

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Well, the camera shake isn’t what I meant, but the ending looks much better now!

This is code for what I meant by camera shake:

local Roughness = 0.00075
local Speed = 0.5

local xseed = math.random(10000, 100000)
local yseed = math.random(10000, 100000)
local zseed = math.random(10000, 100000)

-- the actual camera function that makes it move
local X = math.noise(xseed, os.clock() % 1000 * Speed) * Roughness 
local Y = math.noise(yseed, os.clock() % 1000 * Speed) * Roughness
local Z = math.noise(zseed, os.clock() % 1000 * Speed) * Roughness

Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(X, Y,  Z)

That code just makes the camera slowly shake around as if someone was holding a camera, and that’s what I meant by camera shake.

If you like what you have, that’s fine but I thought I would just re-clarify what i meant.

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I will see which one looks better or maybe use both
Thank you

Adding on

this part should be ran every frame, or every 1 60th of a second.

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