Folder Binder(Always Updating)


Ever want to put folders inside *StarterCharacterScripts* or *StarterPlayerScripts*? Well now you can, using the asset below, drag it into either the *StarterCharacterScripts* or *StarterPlayerScripts* folders and you can sort your local scripts into an Infinity amount of folders and it'll still work with *StarterCharacterScripts* or *StarterPlayerScripts*.


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This will be constantly updated!


I’m not sure which script you were supposed to put out…

but whatever it is, is pretty useless.

Pretty small script but drag it in Starter Character and you can sort local scripts into folders, this script let you put local scripts in folders in Starter Character, try it.

This is A quality of life change so that you can sort scripts in Starter Character.

This script isn’t rocket science, it makes it so you don’t have to pile every local script in Starter Character Together, previously if you were to use folders it wouldn’t work in Starter Character Script in play mode.

I now see the purpose, but please change the post title and make it more descriptive as in the current state, it does not say anywhere that it is a folder with some scripts. And as well, if you deeply think about it, it isn’t even a resource. Adding a folder is not a resource.

I’m sorry if I sound harsh, and I still may have not understood your motive. Once again, I apologize.

I’ve checked your script and there’s literally nothing about configuration with folders?

K, no worries, thanks for the feed back.

Try it you’ll understand, it doesn’t configure the folders it finds local scripts in the starter character or starter player and directly binds them with the player so you can have folders in Starter Character or Starter Player. Try it yourself and you’ll understand.

wth is this


Well, you can put Folders to both “StarterChracterScripts” and “StarterPlayerScripts” with LocalScript or ServerScript i think?

Like When player joined, cloning a folder under them, or specific position?

The most valuable resource with an unknown purpose!

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