Folder Organisation Script

Hello, Would the be a way I could see which folder is next in line and then be able to get the information from within that folder,

The issue is the folders are created from instances

Any ideas?

If the folder names are unique or kept within a specific folder you have 2 options here.

Option 1 - Using WaitForChild, FindFirstChild and GetChildren

local Folders = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("MultitonePrint") -- Returns the folder
local Printers = Folders:GetChildren() -- As is it would only find printer 1, returns as a array

-- WaitForChild() Waits For Object With Defined Name And Returns It
-- FindFirstChild() Returns Object With That Name, Does not wait like waitfor
-- GetChildren() Returns A Array Of All Children In That Object
-- GetDescendants() Returns A list Of Everything Inside All Children As well as children

Instance | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Theres alot more to this to look into so worth having a peek at the apis

Option 2 - Using Messaging Service to know when to access it (Not Reccomended at all)
MessagingService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Most people would use Option 1 as using messaging service would only happen on select situations and is bad practice otherwise, Aside from that I have given a bit of a better rundown for you on using :GetChildren() and the other similar functions as you need to use them alot and are worth taking note of until you rember them wihtout thinking about it. If theres any questions feel free to ask.