Folder Structure - Organize your game into folders for easy readiblity and use

:wave: Hey,

:card_index_dividers: Do you want to organize your game? Well, you came to the right place. You can use this pack I made to easily structure your game and have it easy to read & access.

:roblox_light: Most developers tend to skip the step of organizing their game, and later will find it much harder to find and add things because everything is messy. This is why keeping things organized is such an important thing.

A brief view of the folders included:

Usage of the Folders:
World: -> Environment : Objects & assets such as nature, vegetation, lighting, hills, mountains, terrain, backgrounds
	   -> Structures : Things such as buildings, bridges, and things that are classed as structures in general.
	   -> Sounds : Sounds that can be heard locally [only by the current player] or globally [everyone].

ReplicatedStorage: -> Classes : Here you can put modules that can create instances such as tables & utilities, 
				   and other things on the client.
				   -> Events : You can place RemoteEvents in here.
                   -> Components : A storage area that can be shared with the server/client.
				   		-> Gui : A storage area for guis.
				   		-> Objects : A storage area for objects/assets.
				   		-> Sounds : A storage area for sounds.
				   		-> Particles : A storage area for particles/effects.
				   -> Functions : You can place RemoteFunctions in here.
				   -> Modules : Utility modules that can be used by the client. [OPTIONAL:] You can make a Shared folder 
				   that can be used by both the Server and the Client.
ServerScriptService: -> Core - Modules : Modules that can be used by the server scripts.
					 -> Core - Scripts : Location of all the server scripts.
ServerStorage: -> Classes : You can put modules for creating classes such as tables, data, utilities that can be used by server scripts.
			   -> Events : You can place BindableEvents in here.
			   -> Functions : You can place BindableFunctions in here.
			   -> Misc : General storage for things you use.
			   -> Modules : Utility modules that can be used by server scripts.
StarterPlayerScripts: -> Core : A place for LocalScripts.
					  -> UI : A place for LocalScripts that control the UI.

[UPDATED 12/30/2021]

  • Added Components folder with subfolders for Guis, Objects, Sounds, Particles.

Link below:
Folder Structure

If you have any more suggestions for what do you think should be added, please let me know.


Okay, so where would you recommend to put this? Because I have no idea of a place for it.

Also, never organized but might try it

Oh I get it, you put these folders in the services

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You copy the folders from within those containers.
And then you move according to their names.


ok I get it now, thanks I needed this as my organization messes up usually


Thanks so much! This will help me alot in organising scripts, local scripts etc!

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I organise my games like this and lemme tell you its good!

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THANK YOU. this is gonna be a life-saver because I am HORRIBLE with organizing my scripts and maps.

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