Follow up to Origins zombies

This is a part 3 of a game I am creating based of Treyarchs Origins zombie map

I have worked on about 4 months on a map but I felt it was a little too rushed, and decided to scramble it and remake it with much better care, and to remain faithful to its original state

here are some pictures

This is what It would have been, but It felt too much

This is the starting room, where you would have spawned, but to me it felt very bland (this is with the lighting effect Future)

Now this is where I remade the room with the Future lighting effect, it was very laggy to move around with fullscreen on

This is with the voxel Lightning effect was enabled.

There is still much to come in the future days, and hope this interests anyone going to play my game. It is a solo project, and after the map is done, I will learn how to animate, script and create GUI designs similar to Black Ops 1,2 and 3

Thank you for your time for reading this


That looks sick coming from someone that has origins as their favorite zombies map.

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