If we have this feature to be able to follow people into universes, I’m sure many more developers would start using it. This is the only reason why I’m not using universes currently (And yes, I’m aware of the hacky-bug ways you can ‘match-make’ but I don’t see why this isn’t an actual feature just to follow someone into a universe game from the site
I understand that this is done to prevent users from ‘cheating’ their way into universes they shouldn’t be in (yet). However, this should at least be added as an option.
I do understand that there’s ways to script this, but that’s a hacky workaround to something that should be implemented by default.
The reason we can’t, I would assume, is so that you can’t cheat yourself into parts of the game that you shouldn’t be going to, at your current level.
For example, in the ROBLOX Egg Hunt you needed to meet a certain criteria to get to the third level. If ROBLOX allowed users to follow others, in this instance, it would allow for users to cheat themselves to a far greater level than what they should be on.
I also fail to see how the methods provided by ROBLOX can’t be used here. You could check if anyone on his friend list is playing the game. If they are, provide the user with the option to teleport to that place instance.
[quote] The reason we can’t, I would assume, is so that you can’t cheat yourself into parts of the game that you shouldn’t be going to, at your current level.
For example, in the ROBLOX Egg Hunt you needed to meet a certain criteria to get to the third level. If ROBLOX allowed users to follow others, in this instance, it would allow for users to cheat themselves to a far greater level than what they should be on.
[size=1][qq Volanco ninja’ed me, partially][/size] [/quote]
A possible solution: The server can decide whether he wants to accept the player.
Game.AcceptFollowPlayer = function(newUserId, friendUserId)
return true
return false
[quote] The reason we can’t, I would assume, is so that you can’t cheat yourself into parts of the game that you shouldn’t be going to, at your current level.
For example, in the ROBLOX Egg Hunt you needed to meet a certain criteria to get to the third level. If ROBLOX allowed users to follow others, in this instance, it would allow for users to cheat themselves to a far greater level than what they should be on.
[size=1][qq Volanco ninja’ed me, partially][/size] [/quote]
A possible solution: The server can decide whether he wants to accept the player.
Game.AcceptFollowPlayer = function(newUserId, friendUserId)
return true
return false
I wish they gave us power to do that with more than just that function…
Well, what I can say, is that I scripted a system that allows this, where it creates a new place every time all the running servers are full, and you can “Invite friends” from your place via data stores to let them join the “Server”, though it is a generated place using the CreatePlace API. I made it so it doesn’t allow multiple servers in 1 place, and this kind of does the effect.
Also, you can use TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance() to teleport to a certain server, as well as TeleportService:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync() to get a server that a player is on, giver their UserID, all this, and more possible with CreatePlace and Data Stores.