Followers cant send PMs?

I have my privacy setting at “Friends and Followers” for PMs however, when I go on my alt that follows my account [ not friends with it ] I cannot send a Message.

I think its related to this? Anyone can follow me even tho it's set to only friends somehow… ?

Ensure that your alternate account’s PM settings allow for “people I follow” / “everyone”

Why does my Alt’s settings have to be changed when its my main that is receiving the PM. [ setting on my main: Screenshot by Lightshot ]

Because it’s your alt that’s (trying to) send the PM. That’s just how ROBLOX works – both users’ PM settings affect whether or not they’re able to send each other PMs.

.-. didn’t used to be like that, it just recently changed I guess?

My alt used to be able to send PMs to my main, now I can’t [ I didn’t change any settings ]

Either way :stuck_out_tongue: works now… thanks

It has always been like this. You likely forgot that you changed your settings.

I think it actually used to be different (maybe I remember wrong) but people could send PMs out and not receive them back making it useless.

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I remember i used to send pm’s to my self, i actually liked that xD
I could use that as a reminder.

I still get the occasional PM I cannot reply to due to people’s settings. It gets even worse when they think I am ignoring them and they send messages asking if I received the previous message.

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