Following Negative People

I can’t really provide repro steps because I’m not entirely certain how this happened. I did create and use a macro weeks ago to unfollow a large number of people very quickly, which may have caused it to glitch out. The “Following” counter on my main profile page says “0” while this page says -1.

If I follow somebody, it goes up to 0. The following counter on my main page will stay at 0. It will finally increase to 1 if I follow two people.


Why is it allowed to go negative in the first place? :upside_down_face:

The word “following” is starting to look weird to me. Ahh.


This bug has been around for quite a while. Somehow the amount of people I follow always says one less than I’m actually following. Sorcus took it to an extreme though; Friends - Roblox


I wonder why it’s stored as a signed integer :thinking:


I know this bug isn’t a priority, but I did want to just give it some attention as it hasn’t been fixed in almost a year after the initial report and I’ve recently run into after unfollowing everyone.

I’ve somehow managed to beat Sorcus by following -10 people. :joy:


I don’t want this patched now that I know I can make my profile look k00l.


On my profile, it says I’m following 0 people. When I click it I’m following 2 real users. And 10 deleted users. But when you look at the following count, it’s -22

I noticed this for the first time a couple of months ago.

Just checked this and issue is no longer reproducible


Mine has 2 extra that wont show