also for a future update! npc customers would be super cool
Are people able to take away someones points? So if someone was point cheating, certain group ranks could remove their points.
Greetings Abby!
You could do that by using a plugin for your admin. For example: In the HD admin, there are plugins like ;add example points 10 same for remove. So this could be done by adding 2 plugins like that in your admin plugins folder.
Dear Group Owners and Developers
FoodMate V3 has been deprecated and will no longer be supported by CMCDEV.
This means that official support has been closed.
Q: Why have we deprecated FoodMate?
A: FoodMate has been deprecated because me and the other owner of CMCDEV have decided we would like to move onto bigger and better projects.
However, with that said, we are considering releasing one final version of FoodMate.
This version will be based off of the previous version, but with feedback from all of you guys implemented. It will be an entire recode.
We kindly ask that only users of FoodMate use this poll.
Would you and your group be interested in a new version of FoodMate?
- No, the current version works perfectly for my group.
- It works fine for my group, however, we would love new features.
- My group uses FoodMate, but it doesn’t work very well for us, we would love a new version that caters to our group better.
0 voters
For additional feedback from users who do not use FoodMate, you can justify why below.
Why do you not like FoodMate
- There is a better paid alternative. (If you would like, you can tell us about it below.)
- Because it is freely accessible and I look at it with the same mindset as using free models in my experience.
- It does not cater to my group’s needs, but my group still needs an ordering system of some sort.
0 voters
To help us with the decision of developing FoodMate V4, please provide us some feedback with the polls above, we’d love to hear it - suggestions included.
Thank you our loyal users.
Use Adornee to a part and it will work.