Football system is very choppy, is applyimpulse: really the best way?

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Thanks to anyone who can help

I want to fix these 2 very weird issues that i dont even know how to start fixing because they just seem to be out of my hands i really need help.
And make the ball just less chppy when i shoot, i think the big football games might be using something different other than apply impulse but i dont know any other way
2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Ill put a short video showing both issues

  1. After a while if noone touches the ball it starts falling into the void but its fixed by shooting it

2.the whole system is overall pretty choppy so i dont know if the big football games actually used impulse of force into the ball to shoot it and if they do how do they make it curve??

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Regarding the choppy physics of the ball, this might be due to Roblox’s system of network ownership. Here’s Roblox’s article on that:

This can often result in choppy motion as the server changes the ownership of a part, so try to verify this by using BasePart:SetNetworkOwner(nil) on your ball. This is going to set the network owner of the ball to the server and it’s not going to do automatic ownership assignment. The motion of the ball should now become smooth, but there should be greater lag when shooting the ball as its physics are no longer controlled by the client.

If you want to avoid this lag you would have to make a more sophisticated network ownership setting system, something like assigning the network owner to a player when they’re shooting the ball and assign it back to the server when it lands. But there are exploiting concerns when it comes to that, so it’s up to you.

Curving the ball like in those games would be impossible purely with Roblox’s default physics engine, yes. They probably have their own way of simulating the ball physics, or they have specific code to handle shots that make the balls able to curve.