What do you want to achieve?
I’m trying to create a smooth dribbling system, in this case I’m trying to keep the ball loose when dribbling but when I look forward at the ball and dribble straight forward, the ball doesn’t go further than 3-4 studs. -
What is the issue?
It works just fine and I’ve come up with the script however the ball sort of stutters and stops abruptly after 1-2 dribbles, and repeats. It stays in the position I want, however once the ball gets sort of frozen/stopped, I can’t dribble it during that time and it doesn’t feel smooth. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve tried to find solutions to this everywhere but I just can’t find any and don’t know what to look at since I’ve also tried replacing the method I use to detect if the ball is in front.
Here is all of the code for my dribble function.
function kicks.dribble(increase)
local ball = getNearestBall()
if ball and PlayerMoving() then
changeBallOwner(ball, false)
if ball then
local ownerHRP = currentBallOwner.Character and currentBallOwner.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local ballPosition = ball.Position
if ownerHRP then
local playerFacingDirection = hrp.CFrame.LookVector
local playerToBall = (ballPosition - ownerHRP.Position).Unit
local dotProduct = playerFacingDirection:Dot(playerToBall)
if dotProduct > 0.4 then
local distance = (ownerHRP.Position - ballPosition).Magnitude
if distance > 3 then
local maxForwardDistance = 3
local limitedDribbleVelocity = playerToBall * maxForwardDistance
ball.AssemblyLinearVelocity = limitedDribbleVelocity
local playerFacingDirection = hrp.CFrame.LookVector
local dribbleVelocity = playerFacingDirection * increase * 32
ball.AssemblyLinearVelocity = dribbleVelocity
if animationState == 1 then
animationState = 2
elseif animationState == 2 then
animationState = 1