Footer jumps to just below the header when content is loading

When loading a new page (typically a post) the new footer does not go away while everything else on the page does. I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, but the way the footer jumps to just below the header is really jarring to me.

I propose either:

  • Remove the footer while content is loading, or;
  • Keep the footer out of view of a screen by pushing it to a place where a user must scroll to see it.

Personally, I feel this is jarring because, unlike the header which stretches across the screen and is sticky, the footer seems to function as a body element (yes I know the header is part of the body.) In addition, it goes below the posting UI, as seen here:

In my opinion this looks much better because the footer belongs at the bottom.

Sorry if this isn’t very clear. Basically all I’m saying is the footer jumping to the top of the body looks very odd, and I’m proposing where it goes/what it does be different.


Thank you for your feedback – we are looking into pinning the footer to the bottom of the page!


Could the footer also be disabled when scrolling through topic pages or through posts? Seeing the footer on the screen every single time a page loads looks very odd.