Basically the title above, im working on a inventory system and a issue ive thought about is what to do if the player gets a ton of items;
Currently ive thought of 2 ideas:
1. A Capped inventory System
An inventory system capped with a certain # of items. for example if the cap was 100 items and the player tried obtaining another item they would be blocked from doing so until they cleared up some space.
2. A “Uncapped” Invetory System
basically a system where items of the same type will stack to a uncapped amount, aswell as there’ll be unlimited spaces within the inventory. This might be a better idea as it allows the player to constantly obtain items without the worry of their inventory becoming full overtime
Of course for both systems, no matter what picked ill probably need to create a sorf of “Inventory pages” thing to help deal with lag
So going back to my original question, do you PERSONALLY believe that a capped or a uncapped inventory system would function better ingame?
A capped inventory would probably be better since if it’s uncapped, players can use this to overpower stuff like farming items to have infinite of them. A capped inventory is a limit that prevents the player from doing so. An uncapped seems like a “hacky” way so I suggest a capped inventory for this.
This is a vague question.
A capped or uncapped inventory system solely depends on the game’s topic and purpose.
For example, basic games, like sandboxes, would usually need an uncapped inventory since it’s all about exploration and freedom.
Meanwhile an objective based game like collecting, would need a capped inventory in order to keep a players inventory, story and realism in order.
I understand what you mean, a big thing would most likely be that players would end up afk grinding or such for items instead of actually actively playing the game.
yeah i wasnt exactly sure how to make it less vague as theres not really a exact game in mind; but I feel like some developers no matter the game type would prefer a certain type over the other so i was just wondering 
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That can be true. I feel developers mostly stick to an Uncapped inventory to be less restrictive and free like most roblox games. Some developers will feel the need to use a capped inventory if they want a more restrictive gameplay/storyline.
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depends on the game you’re making. if you want to extend playtime / have more content, capped and make it upgradable. uncapped for a more smooth and no silly stuff approach