For FPS Viewmodels - Animation or AimCamera?

Essentially I have a viewmodel setup for my FPS and all the animations are finished but I made an oversight and didn’t incorporate aiming, I’ve seen some people just say make an animation that holds the gun up to the camera, and I’ve seen others say make a separate camera in the viewmodel that’s positioned by the sights of the gun, and have the players camera lerp to the aim camera when trying to aim, but I am not sure which is the better approach/most accurate.

Either works. Do whichever seems easier for you. Both have pros, and both have cons. Animation allows you to not have to re-script, as it would just be changing the animation. Having the camera move to the gun sight would allow you to get more specific and easily edit offsets, etc. So again, either works; just pick whichever seems better for your case.


I prefer that lerpin approach used in the viewmodel, animatin aim while it’s the easiest solution, it’s more annoying to spend time on aligning to the center, of course viewmodel preview is also there but still annoyin for me to get it right, the reason is simply how weird the transition of each animation goes

if you have a fire animation that has a rotation recoil and you just want to use the same animation as the fire aim anim, you can reduce it’s rotation by addin the weight to it during the aim

I’ve saved a lot of time from using this without trying to animate a separate ones