[FOR HIRE] Advanced Scripter


Hello! I am an advanced scripter that has over 3 years of experience in Lua.
I have worked at various medium-sized groups.

Notable Clients


Notable Groups

What am I good at?

  • DataStores
  • RemoteEvents
  • Lightning
  • Session Schedule System
  • Theatre System (i.e. stage controls, etc.)
  • Basic Admin Essentials
  • Raycasting


I am available for 1-2 days during the week. You can contact me any time, but I can’t work much during the weekends due to IRL activities.


Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per asset.
You can pay me with Robux but I take USD too. (preferring Robux)


Discord - ashlyn#9066
You can also PM me on DevForum!

Note: I do NOT script tweening or similar stuff for User Interfaces, only the logic.



I like your portfolio, but I believe using the word “Advanced” isn’t the right term for you skill.

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Thanks for the suggestion, however, I consider myself an advanced scripter.

I’d consider this entry level advanced, intermediate would be underrating OP.

I recommend hiring ash7lyn if you are in need of an advanced programmer. She does an amazing job and is very easy to communicate with!

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Hello, I have added you on discord! My discord is ben-s#0882