[For Hire!] Advanced Scripter

About Me

Hello! I am Barty200 and I love to script! I am offering my services as a scripter. I have been scripting on Roblox for 1.5 years.


The main game I am working on right now is Poppin ’
Game Link
I have scripted most of the items in game including the froyo machines, the boba machines, the froyo and I have also made the animations for both the froyo and the boba.


I am available from 4pm - 7pm on weekdays. You can contact me any time. I am in the BST time zone.
I am only accepting small tasks because I have got school and I don’t have much time to work on larger projects. If you ask me to stay long term I will decline


Prices are negotiable, I accept robux and paypal.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum (I might be slower to reply) or via Discord, my Discord username is Barty200#2005

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:



I have sent a friend request!

My discord is dreaming#6503