[FOR HIRE] Builder

Hi there! I’m Blew_Tech. I’m a builder with 2+ years of experience. I specialize in Cities but I’m able to create anything. I’ve previously worked for Blix Inc. and Havoc Studios.

I’m available 2-3 hours almost everyday. Feel free to can contact me at anytime.

I accept Robux and in some cases a percentage. My prices range from R$500 - R$100,000

##Get in touch:
If you want to get in touch with me you can message me on the Developer Forum or contact Partiøt#0870 on discord.

Screen Shots of my work:


Hey, do you know how to model, or did you use a asset pack for some of the builds?

I actually don’t know how to model. I’m only able to do stuff on ROBLOX. It also depends on the object.

Okay, so I am not looking to hire anyone but just making a collab game and splitting it with someone.

Oh, okay. At the moment I’m only looking to be hired.

Oh, alright. No problem, thanks.

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