For hire [Building & modelling]

I’m a freelance builder and modeller and have worked with building and modelling in Roblox Studio for about 2 years. I’m currently not assigned to any project and for that reason, I’m looking for a job. I will link some photos of my work.

  • If you’re interested then send me a message over discord FRZTY-KRINGLEN#4576.

  • The price is (average) 500 Robux per asset.


  • High-poly:

  • Low-poly



I’m the scripter and a high ranked team member for Heaven Studios.
We are looking for a low poly 3D modeler and I found your portfolio.

Add me on discord: maxen2031#3524 and we can discuss more about the job, payment etc

Your username is invalid D:
Maybe you wrote something wrong?

Sorry upper case M. It is: Maxen2031#3524

I am looking for a builder, that can build me a nice cafe, and a training center.