[FOR HIRE] Experienced scripter and UI designer

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a scripter and UI designer. I specialize in cafe systems and giver GUI’s. I have a lot of experience, such as former head of developer at Fleur. developer at SS. Head Developer at JDC. and more.


I do not have a full on showcase game with ALL my work, but I do have my portfolio.
Here is a fire alarm system I build. Fire Alarm


Available after 13:20 [GMT+3] on weekdays, available until 23:00 [GMT+3] on weekends.


Here is my commissions list:


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord, @airsoft561#7534

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


You should definitely include examples of your UIs and much more of your scripts. Also, just saying, those prices are way to little. I would say that extreme projects would be at least 1000+. Keep doing what you do!

If your portfolio is based on Scripting and UI why would you only include a single build in your portfolio?

I do not want my content stolen, if anyone contacts me via the forum / discord, I will give them UI and Script examples as well. I have had my content stolen multiple times in the past.