[For Hire] Group Manager

Co_rrie signature
This is my Moderator Portfolio. This will house all information and experiences as to why you should hire me as your group moderator, administrator or group manager.

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I am currently 22, going on 23 this April 2021 and studying Criminal Law @ UF. I am Puerto Rican and apart of the LGBTQ+ community as “Gay”, and currently live with my boyfriend in an apartment. I’ve never been much open about it to the public because I feel it’s more of a need-to-know type situation and adds uniqueness to my character as a human being. I have a huge passion for the law and with that comes my passion for equity, ethical and moral decision making and being fair to all users on the platform. I began Moderation as a form to figure out who I am as a person and to improve my traits and qualities and I do look to continue to improve myself in every moderation role I hold.

I want to be able to become apart of your team to show what being apart of this type of environment is all about and I will never stop trying to do that for communities. I find that has always been my calling on the roblox-platform since 2012 – helping communities grow stronger with a strong leadership team. I identify key traits in both myself and as a leader, integrity. Integrity is the activity of doing the right thing without anyone else seeing you are doing it and without expecting anything in return. The word integrity doesn’t come as a title, to me it comes as an act, it is something you have to show. The next part of my skillset comes with understanding. Everybody comes from a different walk of life and for me, I have witnessed and felt the intimidation of others.

I have witnessed and felt this intimidation of others from my sexuality and from my culture of Puerto Rican and it’s a feeling of being put down. One of feeling left out. And it’s not an environment I want to see or create. Leaders must be toxicity-free. Toxic behaviors from leadership show what the group is made up of and I it shouldn’t ever be planned in a leadership’s mind to create an environment that is anything else other than free of toxicity. Apart of being apart of leadership is also making the commitment. Understanding that when you’re needed by users on the platform, it’s your time to shine and go show them that you are there for both your help and their support. It is the final person they look up to for help.

Co_rrie signature (2)

  • One is that I have adapted myself from the ground up to be highly adaptable and maintainable.

  • The second strength is the moderation aspect, which is active all the time. Not only am I on top of responding to reports, I am constantly monitoring for any potential flare-ups whether that is in your game or discord communications server and beyond.

  • The will to learn. I want to learn more about the group in which you run and where I am able to place myself to better benefit the team as well as your consumers. This adds onto the type of environment which I will be adapting to and I want to learn about the culture as well.

  • Strive to achieve. I do not want to begin as a top dog. To me, that isn’t success. I want to work my way into an area of pride.

Co_rrie signature (3)
As someone who wants to help build your team bigger and more professional, I come with benefits that not many other users come with. Some of those benefits include:

  • A company-based website
  • Merchandise Creations
  • ROBLOX Developer for Modern Design
  • Equipped access to a team of other moderators for assistance
  • Equipped Emergency Access to Discord Services & ROBLOX Access for immediate service when needed

Co_rrie signature (4)
As mentioned previously, I am studying Criminal Law so my schedule varies but most standard:

  • Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    1:00PM ET - 11:00PM ET
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
    Unavailable unless said otherwise

Co_rrie signature (5)
Below I will get into a list of my experiences in which I have proof of evidence that I held the role. I will also provide some photos of the community aspect and how they thought of me as being apart of their team.

Co_rrie signature (6)
Owned by: Milmentous.
Role: Head of Moderation
Type of separation: Resigned - Left on my own terms
Reason for separation: Unavailable to work my schedule to be most active

  • Berkeley County is located in the beautiful plain-filled, mountainous State of Concord. Players can choose from a wide variety of jobs such as Police, Fire, EMS, and DOT.

Community Involvement

Screen Shot 2021-03-16 at 10.59.16 PM

Co_rrie signature (7)
Owned by: RedBubba_Dev
Role: Trial Moderator
Type of separation: Re-Coded
Reason for separation: Promotion

Role: Full Time-Moderator
Type of separation:
Reason for separation:

  • Hello and Welcome to FSRP. We are a Florida State Roleplay based Group. Come in and roleplay the many teams that there is to offer.



My proudest accomplishment has succeeded as of March 31, 2021. On March 31, 2021 at approximately 20:15, a Roblox Website-Engeineer @seanof2020 joined my group, Central Group Hub!

Thank you Sean for your support in wanting Central Group Hub to succeed to the max!

Co_rrie signature (8)
At the end of the day, I want to make it my goal to strive to help every group become successful and moderated for appropriateness and smoothness. I also strive for effieicent communication with leaders as a way to improve style, update management technique and training and always looking to improve myself on a whole.

Co_rrie signature (9)
Discord: Archtavious#0001
Username: Archtavious
DevForum: https://devforum.roblox.com/u/Archtavious/summary

Last Updated: 31 MAR 2021 20:25


aKURUPTone’s honest review.

Let’s start with an introduction for myself. I am aKURUPTone, I have been on the platform for around 5 years now. I own an airline and I have developed for many groups including Pécks and Ro-Quatica. I enjoy spending my time visiting new games and making new friends. That’s about all for here.

Let’s get onto this review.

Coatp0ckitninja is by far the most active moderator on the popular game and group FSRP (Florida State Roleplay). Coatp0ckitninja, when in-game, is aware of current situations and is aware of any problems happening in the server. He pays close attention to chat and is very, very quick to respond to help requests sent by users. Coatp0ckitninja can quickly and efficiently deescalate or resolve about any problem that may occur between players. Coatp0ckitninja takes pride in his moderating position and takes his job very seriously. Not only is he good at moderating in-game, but he is also proficient at moderating in your discord server! Coatp0ckitninja does not get distracted easily and can pretty much handle any situation that a moderator should handle. If you are considering hiring him, I would highly recommend it. I can promise you he will not disappoint. Thanks for reading my review, if you have any questions you can contact me at aKURUPTone#0001 on discord.


By far the greatest most trust worthy player dedicating his time and effort on his responsibilities, not only his responsibilities but his professionalism he has shown. He has the greatest mindset on Moderation from what I have witnessed and wants to implement more, more stuff that a group can benefit from. No idea where he gets his motivation from but trust me. He is the real deal on huge roles for any group.
He is the key to the future, he is the light to all our darknesses. One may conclude, “well yea, any moderators can do this”

Let me tell you something, the effort that he has put, the dedication, professionalism, responsibilities he has sought through. I can only imagine the future for a group can be just by @Coatp0ckitninja .

I recommend him dearly!