(For Hire) hiring a thumbnail designer

im hiring a thumbnail designer for my game to make 2 images

payment 100 robux possibly more

add me on discord SkullyGamingDM#7306


i can make this for you :smiley: of ocurse i will let u choose the name lol


Thats not even a thumbnail and the person wants a thumbnail.

Lol he is such a scammer not even a joke

He does not deserve the privilege of speaking or being a memeber if dev forum


Are you saying he scammed you in the past or are you just saying that his thumbnail is bad so don’t hire him? Because he could easily just be new to making thumbnails. Also, that can be considered a thumbnail. I have seen games with such type of artwork as their thumbnail.


ok thank you for telling me that he’s a scammer

He’s scammed more than 6 people on devforum including me, had 2 suspensions and hasn’t changed.


thanks for tellin me that he’s a scammer but do u know how to make a thumbnail

Yes, however, I charge 7X the amount you’re supplying.

can u make me one like that guy was gonna say

Yeah, wouldn’t really classify that as a thumbnail, it’s more of a logo. I’d recommend asking someone who is doing commissions for cheap though.

Hey! I don’t do thumbnails, but my friend does commissions. Here’s his discord: pizza

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Its says hes not accepting request

Interested 2D ARTIST
Discord :PinkXanz#5892

Hey, sorry about that. I told him, and he said he updated his settings, you should be able to message him now. In addition, here is a list of some of the things he has made: PizzaPlayz - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt

ok tell him I added him on discord

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