[FOR HIRE] Join the Mithic Staff Team today!

:clipboard: | Mithic Staff Team - Join Us | :clipboard:

Hello! My name is @achdef, but you can call me ach for short. I am the project Owner of Mythic. A administration utility. And are hiring somes skilled staff members and developers to join our Staff Team.

:business_suit_levitating: | Requirements | :business_suit_levitating:

In order to join the Mythic Staff Team, you must be atleast 14 years olds and have a past experience of 1 year scripting, or 2 years of moderation skills.

:film_projector: | Job Information | :film_projector:

If you choose to be a Developer, you must be able to handle the following:

  • Fix Bugs. :bug:
  • Repair Community Bug. :axe:
  • Be in our group. [COMING SOON] :person_climbing:
  • Pay every 2 months of 100 - 300 robux. :moneybag:

However, if you choose to be a Moderator, you must be able to handle the following:

  • Multiples Perks. :sparkles:
  • Ability to ban misbehaving game owners. :hammer:
  • Pay every 1 - 2 months of 150 - 250 robux. :moneybag:
  • However:
  • You must be dedicated to use the Model at his release. :police_car:
  • Be in our group. [COMING SOON] :person_climbing:
  • Access to a confusing GUI that will ban the exploiters from the model. Senior Moderator only. :ballot_box_with_check:

So what are you waiting for?

Join us today by filling up this format in @achdef private messages:
Q - Why you?
A - your answer
Q - How much years have you been moderating / developing?
A - your answer
Q - Which role?
A - Moderator or Developer (Select one)
Q - Why this role?
A - your answer (min 2 lines)
Q - If you choosen Developer, link your Portfolio here.
A - Here is my Portfolio. (Replace "Here’s link to your portfolio link.)

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