[FOR HIRE] My Animation Portfolio

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as an animator. I have been playing roblox since 2016 and I have learned to animate for 6 months. I have worked with Hi-pixel studio for their up coming big game “bomb simulator”. I have also worked for Lecan Studio for their game.


Here are some screenshots of my work


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Zombie walking

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Frolic Move

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I can always show more examples.


I am available almost everyday for 3-8 hours. I am mostly free on weekends, but I can always work.


Prices are negotiable. I hope I can have at least 300+ R$ per asset. I will accept R$ or % if the game is well made.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or on discord iiSnowii#2282.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile: