[FOR HIRE] Programmer, UI Design & Bot Development

Your discord isn’t working… I would like to work with you.


Just updated it, the tag is: Morgan.#2727

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Sent you a friend request on Discord I am Trisins#1111

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Sent you a friend request: strangertingz#1777

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I met Dale a while back when I was working with a now defunct runway group called Evolve. Dale was always excited to share his latest accomplishments, and has even helped me before with correcting a few bugs in a web server. If you’re looking for a reliable, passionate, and detail oriented developer, Dale is your guy.

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Hi. I would like to have you join me and my friend.

Check his post for more information and pm hI’m (he’s going to bed)
Forming Development Team [DISCONTINUED] or dm me

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Sent you a request on discord! - SimplyKol#1085

Messaged ya, check Discord. :wink:

Messaging you on discord if you can look there for info about a job.

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Hey there,

I’ve sent a friend request via discord because I think your work is great. If you’d like to discuss a project-commission inquiry, accept my friend request.

My username is “Afghan#0001”.

Hey there!

I’ve sent ya a friend request, as I am in need of a Gamepass board and a Blacklist bot (DTR).

my username is: “BirdyEnough#0001”

After seeing his work, I’m impressed, Nothing can go wrong and I bet it’s very easy to communicate!

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this isnt the arguing center lol


ok but here isnt the place to argue


You guys really need to stop harassing him. Just because he only go through 90% doesn’t mean you spam him on discord and spam this post, I recommend people hire him because this portfolio is amazing. Keep up the great work @mvvrgan

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Added, please respond to my DM! Thanks. spec#0002

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If any of you people up there read the dev forum rules then you would know you should only send positive feedback or simillar, calling out isnt what you’re supposed to do

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maybe if u didnt harass him you’d get a better experience?

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sure he does have quite late response times, (by the way morgan dms! spec#0002) but you’ve gotta be patient unlike me.

Feel free, to look at my Portfolio, in regards, of hiring a programmer/Discord Bot developer+, for two different jobs at my Restaurant development to apply for them. And I think, you would be great for the jobs, but feel free on applying for one! @mvvrgan [OPEN] [Hiring Programmer/ Discord Bot developer+]