[FOR HIRE] Terrain, UI and building services - Portfolio

About Me

So let’s get straight to the point… Hello, my name is Anders and I am 16 years old. I have been developing for about 2 years and about 8 months of terrain creation. When I first started on Roblox 5 years ago I didn’t think I would do what I do today.
During my 2 years of developing I can now offer building, UI and terrain services.



Circle Of Disaster [LINK COMING SOON]

The Grand Vibe[W.I.P]: The Grand Vibe - Roblox

UI Design

Extremely simple UI layout


My Streaming Room: Streaming - Roblox

Zetrax Facility [W.I.P]: Zetrax Facility [Showcase] [W.I.P] - Roblox

My Showcase Game: Developing Place [CLEAN] - Roblox


Due to school, my work hours are limited to 6-10 hours weekly.
[If I am available I will continue working on the projects I am working on]


Pricing is negotiable. I am currently accepting Robux.
My primary payment method is via PayPal.


You can contact me on my Discord - An_x#0055

Looking forward to help you out :video_game:


Hello! I would like to hire you. I made a game already with a terrain layout but I want you to add some hills, change the color of the terrain and some other things. But don’t add any extras like fences and stuff if you know what I mean. Also don’t mess with the lighting and water. Private message me on the devforum. Also I will pay you in robux. Maybe 300 robux. Im not sure. I must see it in order to pay you.

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Hey, i’ve sent you a friend request on discord.