For How Much shoud i sell this HomeStore for? (ClothingShop)

Help On Pricing and FeedBack :roblox:

About the HomeStore :woot:

I made the HomeStore today and i will sell it soon once i decided the price
the HomeStore has 21 Stands where u can buy the merch.
the stands are scripted.
the staff door isnt scripted.
the Posters in the homestore can have an image on them the text that says "Poster"can be deleted.
all the text in the homestore can be easy changed too what the buyer would like
that also goes for the color.
Btw it has a second floor too.
what do you get from buying the HomeStore?
Everything you can see on the Screenshots :grinning:

How much do u think i can sell the Homestore For?

  • 100-500 :robux:
  • 500-1K :robux:
  • 1K-2K :robux:
  • 2K-3K :robux:
  • More?

0 voters

Game Link

Btw if you need a builder

Feel free to put feedback in the comments too!
Thanks and Marry Chrisrtmas!:christmas_tree:
-Monkey :monkey:


May I witness the building in additional angles along with the interior?


You should consider showing the interior as well, because that may also defer the price a bit.

But overall, it looks pretty solid. Good work!


you can see a little of the interior of you click on the arrow u see more screenshots
-monkey :slight_smile:

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i have updated the topic it now has the game link!
-Monkey :slight_smile:

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Seems bland and simple to me, 1k MAX imo.

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Your low-poly design is quite creative in my opinion. The landscape, as well as the exterior is quite nice. Personally, I would sell this home-store for around 500-1K Robux. Reason being, it is not complete for the store designer and owner. The individual who will buy your game from you still has work to complete such as setting up the clothing on the avatar’s, adding company logo’s, etc. There is still a lot of lee-way from what the owner can add as well.

I wish you the best of luck in your development, and future designing as well. Great work.

xAveryMD, Developer