For loop doesn't go to 0 for some reason

I’m having trouble making my for loop go to 0.

This is my output when i print the index it starts from 1 and I’m wanting it to go to 0 but it goes to a long number.
Screenshot (349)

This is my code.

This is just one of those things that happens in a lot of languages with floating point math. Floating point math is not precise. I would use print(math.floor(i * 10) / 10) and see if that goes to 0 and if it does use that (math.floor(i * 10) / 10)) in place of i inside the for loop

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Just set the “if i == 0 then” to …

if i < 0.1 then
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I would recommend using an integer loop variable so that you don’t need to worry about loop variable precision problems (the transparency value will still be imprecise).

for i = 10, 0, -1 do
    local textTransparency = i*0.1
    RoundLabel.TextTransparency = TextTransparency
    RoundNumber.TextTransparency = textTransparency

So this works but wym in place of I inside the for loop

like while inside of the for loop, anywhere you normally use i, use that. I would just save it to a local variable so you don’t do a bunch of math unnecessarily.

Are you talking doing it like this?

Alternatively you can do this

local count = 10
repeat wait(.1) 
	count = count -1
	local i = count /10
	--Put Code that happens each time it counts down.
until count <= 0
count = 0
---Put Code that happens when the count reaches 0

This should work perfectly for what you are doing…

hmm I’m tryna think, I would do this but I kind of wanna stick to the for loop cause it looks cleaner

	if RoundFrame.Visible == false then
		RoundFrame.Visible = true
	RoundLabel.TextTransparency = 1
	RoundFrame.Position =, 0, 1.632, 0)
	local ii = 10
	repeat wait(.1) 
		ii = ii - 1
		RoundLabel.TextTransparency = ii/10
		RoundNumber.TextTransparency = ii/10
		RoundLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(162, 0, 2)
		RoundNumber.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(162, 0, 2)
	until ii <= 0
	local Tweeninfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, 0, false)
	local TweenProp = {Position =, 0, 4.164, 0)}
	local Tween = TweenService:Create(RoundFrame, TweenInfo, TweenProp)

This would be the result in case you have use for it.

Yes, but you still have an i == 0

Oh I see what your saying.